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on 11/14/11 6:54 am
Moving back home, Brunswick, and brining my DH with me(was single when I left the area 6yrs. ago).  Anywho, was wondering if there's a support group in that area??  DH & I both have had RNY. 

on 11/16/11 11:15 am - Brunswick, GA
 HI Cindy.  Yes, there is a support group here.  It meets at the hospital on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00.   It's a great group and open to anyone.   Welcome back to the 'wick!
on 11/16/11 7:51 pm
Jules....thanks SO much for responding!!  So, unless something comes up we can't avoid....we'll be there on Dec. 12th @ the meeting.  Can't wait to meet new ppl and get some support!!  Hope to see you then.  I noticed you're having surgery next week so you'll have to wait and see if
you're up to making that meeting or not, I'm sure.  The surgeon that's doing your RNY, is he in B'wick?  Just wondering who to use for our follow ups.  Again, thanks and best of luck to you on your surgery!  Keep me  posted if you don't mind!

on 11/20/11 10:12 pm - NC
I'll miss you, Cindy!  Thanks for your friendship and support these past 3 years.  I hope that you and Danny are happy in Georgia, and I hope that we can remain in touch.

Don't know if you got my message, but I'm having plastic surgery on December 9th.  Keep me in your prayers, okay?  I'm a bit nervous ~ it's a lot of surgery and I have a history of a pulmonary embolism, which makes it kind of scary, but I feel that I'm in good hands.  I go tomorrow for my pre-op appointment with the doctor, so I'm hoping I'll feel less stressed after that.

Please take care, safe travels, and Happy Holidays to you and your family.  I'll miss you!!!

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