BBQ Wings, Trash Can Cooking, Drunk Duck & Bright Blue Water

on 10/3/11 1:33 am - Athens, GA

So this was my weekend:

BBQ Wings, Trash Can Cooking, Drunk Duck & Bright Blue Water

Posted on by MariaFitzpatrick

Friday I was unexpectedly invited by one of my WLS peeps to the Atlanta Bar-B-Q Festival. I’m not a big fan of bbq, but I love a good festival so I drove over for the event.

The music was eclectic. Everything from jazz to redneck hell. Yeah that last one I’m not sure how much they had to pay to get to perform there.

As far as the bbq, Friday they had mostly chicken hot wings and a few ribs.

Although………..some of the contestant’s had other ideas as to what to cook!

Ummm........I think not!

Other contestant’s had other ideas about HOW to cook.

Yes people that’s right. The man is cooking in a TRASH CAN!  What more can I say?

Then there were also various vendors there selling things we never knew we needed, such as the Ghetto Wine Glass.

And to think……..I wasted all that money on my crystal wine glasses! What a waste! Lol.

Now I know some people take there bbq very seriously, but I had no idea it was an international thing. We met a group of contestants that drove all the way over from Germany just to compete!

"Are we there yet?"

Ok that was just a joke. I do know a little about geography! ;-)

The highlight of the Atlanta BBQ Festival was meeting our new bff’s from the Dept. of Porks and Rumpreation. Those guys had it goin’ on! Their own mini man cave in a tent kind of thing.

Chair, love seat, coffee table, rug, fan, overhead Halloween lights, bath tub full of beer. And even Howard the Drunk Duck guarding the beer!

Yes I’m afraid Howard the Duck has a drinking problem.

"Don't touch my beer *****!"

But there is still hope. We’re planning an intervention for my inebriated little buddy and hoping to get him into a 12 step program.

Ok here’s where the bright blue water comes in……

50 MILLION invisible germs live inside these things! :-(

As many of you know, I have the Lap-Band (a.k.a CRAP-BAND!). It is very common for food to get “stuck" with the Lap-Band. This of course generally happens at the most inconvenient times, such as when  am at a large festival with no real bathrooms around, just the dreaded porta potty!

Though I love color,………….and it was a lovely shade of bright blue water……..being a germaphobe forced to use a porta potty is NOT how I planned to spend my time at the Atlanta Bar-B-Q Festival!

Other than that, it was a wonderful weekend though

How was yours?


on 10/4/11 2:42 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
Hey girlfriend!

I am glad you had a good time. You know I'm gonna get you for posting my pic with a mouth full of chicken!


That's a redneck wine glass, not a ghetto wine glass! Just thought I needed to set you straight.

This is a ghetto wine glass

               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

on 10/4/11 4:06 am - Athens, GA

Hey u didn't want your other pic posted. I had to pick and choose, lol.

And yes, I would tend to agree with u about that being more of a Redneck wine glass than Ghetto, but the vendors were calling theirs ghetto so I just went with that.

And u know u and Robert need to come to the M & G Sat.!!!


on 10/4/11 5:28 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA

RE: M&G Sat...

OPTION 1 M&G: Listen to a bunch of fat and formerly fat ladies whine about food getting stuck, loose skin, weird rashes, throwing up, protein powder. Whispers about who lost too much weight and looks crack-head-ish,  who hasn't lost enough, and what happend to so and so with all the complications... you get the point.

OPTION 2 Apple Festival:  Frolicking with my lover in a grove of apple trees with clean mountain air, blue skies, and a gentle breeze blowing my hair.  He feeds me a crisp apple freshly plucked from a heavily laden branch. Juice dribbles down my chin. He kisses it off. We fall into a passionate embrace, and for that brief moment everything is ok with the world.

Let's not forget sampling delectable DS friendly treats including a lightly golden browned funnel cake liberally dusted with powdered sugar, and glistening with hot oil around the edges.  (Dear God, thank you DS'ers do not dump or gain weight! AMEN). Some good music, the smell of sausages and peppers n onions grilling, cute little kids with their faces painted.

HMMM? I think I'll go for the latter.

Hee Hee Hee  


on 10/4/11 5:44 am - Athens, GA

OPTION 3 Apple Festival:  Frolicking with my lover in a grove of apple trees with clean mountain air, blue skies, and a gentle breeze blowing my hair.  He feeds me a crisp apple freshly plucked from a heavily laden branch. Juice dribbles down my chin. He kisses it off. We fall into a passionate embrace, and for that brief moment everything is ok with the world.


Listen to a bunch of fat and formerly fat ladies whine about food getting stuck, loose skin, weird rashes, throwing up, protein powder. Whispers about who lost too much weight and looks crack-head-ish,  who hasn't lost enough, and what happend to so and so with all the complications. And for a brief moment everything is chaotic..........and fun! ;-)

Or just come to the M & G and I'll give u a damn apple! lol


on 10/4/11 8:58 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA

We are committed toa charity event for that evening.

               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

on 10/10/11 1:08 pm - Fairburn, GA
Lashelle, thank you for my chuckle for the evening...Frolick on hon!
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