update on Brachioplasty 9 days

on 7/22/11 4:36 am

For those interested in arm lift.  9 days from surgery. I still have swelling and still having to wear compression garments. Probably will for about 3 more weeks. I am soooo excited.


on 7/23/11 1:33 am - Atlanta, GA
Amazing reults!  You look great!  I am thrilled for you.  I can't wait until I can do mine!


Starting weight & height: 265/5' 8.5; Goal weight: 160; Current weight: 155

on 7/23/11 6:30 am - Duluth, GA
OMG!! Looking good. Who's your surgeon? I'm getting my list together and hopefully in the spring I plan to have it done along with some boobs...lol. I'm still losing weight!!!
on 7/24/11 1:29 pm - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
Wow looks awesome. I want to get rid of my armpit fat, but I would not want to have the long scar.  Is there such a thing as an armpit tuck.

My loose skin ended up in weird spots.

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My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

on 7/25/11 11:30 pm - Atlanta, GA
I will definitely need to have this done. I was looking at Dr.Kavali, was she your surgeon?
Sleevie The Wondertwin is where I rant.......its PG.....mostly
"I like my money right where I can see it....hanging in my closet"-Carrie Bradshaw  
LilySlim Weight loss tickers 
on 7/26/11 2:03 am
Thanks for all the good feedback. My doctor is Dr. Marisa Lawrence.


Yes, there is a scar running from my elbow to under my breast, but already the difference is amazing. I went for a followup this morning. The swelling is almost gone and there is no bruising. I have been released to start stretching to increase my range of motion. I have to get where I can reach the top of the White Board when school starts on August 8.

LaShelle. There is a procedure where an incision can be made cross ways (front to back) in the arm pit to tighten a small amount of excess skin without the huge extended scar running down the arm. I would have loved to have done this, but alas, I just had too much excess skin.

I will post pics of the incision when the rest of the glue falls off.


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