
on 7/17/11 8:36 am
Got my arms done!Dr. Marisa Lawrence at Northside. She does a lot of cancer and breast reconstructions. Really nice.

Since I have tape allergies I had to be wrapped up pretty well. One might think I had work done on my entire upper torso, but not so. I have a line running from my elbows to just under my breast. I am going tomorrow to get the dressings removed and get fitted with compression sleeves. I am so excited to see what they look like.
I had a lot of swelling in my left arm the first night and day after surgery, but I have kept my arms propped above my heart when I sleep and some during the day. There has been some pain, but nothing Tylenol can't handle. Getting dressed is a problem, but daughter and Hubby have stepped in nicely.  I don't know how long before I can raise my arms over my head, but I suspect it will be a while as it has been 4 days and I still can't brush my own hair.
Can't wait for the drains to be removed so I can take a shower.Right now the heat and humidity is making everything itch like crazy.

The wrapping is looking worse by the day! If anyone is interested I will post before and after pics.
I am just so excited I had to share. My family just doesn't understand like you guys do!


on 7/17/11 9:41 am - Atlanta, GA
Congratulations!  I am so excited for you.  I would love to see your results when you are ready.  My batwings are so bad I gave them names! LOL!!!!   Do you mind if I ask how much the surgery cost you?


Starting weight & height: 265/5' 8.5; Goal weight: 160; Current weight: 155

on 7/17/11 11:06 am
About $6000. for everything. Doctor, hospital, anesthesiologists, nurses, supplies, compression garments, follow ups, etc. She did what is referred to as an Extended Brachioplasty. So she took care of my "back boobs" as well as pulling up some of the loose skin on my stomach. That is why my incision goes from my elbows to below my breast. Just a plain brachioplasty would probably be a little less.
I'll try to take pictures tomorrow at the doctor's office for those who are not faint of heart! I can't wait!


on 7/18/11 1:57 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
I am so happy for you!  I know the arms is the area

that so many of us post ops hate because there is no

way to hide them, especially in the summer.  You are

so blessed to have been able to have yours done.

I hope you are not in too much pain and have

beautifil results with minimal scarring.  By next

summer, you'll be in tube tops!!! Won't that be a hoot

for hubby and the kids LOL?

                         happy healing

BTW,  Dr. Lawrence came to speak at a support

group  I attended. Her work was impressive. I am not

surprised you chose her.

               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

on 7/18/11 7:28 am, edited 7/17/11 7:30 pm
Thanks for your support. I know you would understand. I am glad you are so young and your skin bounced back so wonderfully! Your most recent pics were grand!

I went for follow up today. Posting pics in my photos.
(Warning!!! Only 5 days out. Not pretty!)

But I can shower now! Yea!


on 7/20/11 2:13 am
Congratulations on getting this done.  I know there is not much I can do for mine except surgery which probably won't happen, but it is better than where I was before WLS.

WOW, I think your arms are looking great from the last picture that you posted.


14.5 lost pre-surgery  5'1 1/2"                                      LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
on 7/20/11 4:30 am
That's great news.  I am happy for you.  I said last week that if I could ever afford to have the surgery, my arms would have to be number 1.  There are so many sleeveless dresses, tops, blouses.......glad you will be able to show those arms off once you have healed.

What is the normal "down time" following this type of surgery?

HW 240/ SW 229/ GW 146/CW 125; OH Support Group Leader   

Starting size:  18W-20;  Present size: 0 or 2; 5'5-1/2" tall. 
Current BMI 20.4 as of 2/13/2013 (normal for the first time in my life).
Goal weight reached on 8/12/2010; As of 1/13/2013, 21 pounds below goal

on 7/26/11 1:45 pm
Down as in "lying in the bed wondering what have I done"? One day.
Sleeping on my back with my arms propped up on pillows, not moving arms much or lifting anything over 5 pounds, 2 weeks.
No baths, oceans, or pools for 6 weeks.
I was released today to start stretching and reaching so I can get my arms over my head and work on full range of motion. It still hurts, don't get me wrong, but it is better every day.
I haven't had anything for pain since surgery but Tylenol, and not even that for the last 5 days.
There have been a few times where I reached "wrong" and it sent a searing pain up my arm and I feared I had ripped something, but Dr. explained that there are several layers of stitches and as they start to dissolve and the skin layers relax, that will go away.
Another thing that may have helped, but of course there is no proof , is taking lots of vitamin C and an herbal supplement called Arnica Montana.
I saved for many years for this surgery, as I pledged to myself that I would never have plastics unless I could pay cash.

Everyone must make there own decision as to how much pain and scars it's worth.


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