Dr.Paul macik July 22nd

on 7/12/11 12:13 pm, edited 7/12/11 12:45 pm
Hi everyone.I am just wondering if anyone had dr.macik. I am schreduled for surgery july22 with him. I am soooo nervous.please say a prayer for me.I am also looking for someone who had him who I can talk with. I have cancelled soo many times because I was scared of complications but I have been lurking arou d and the success stories, pictures and just the way y'all are supportive has been getting me thru. This site is so helpful but it happens where I get to pre op and back out. I know it's the right choice but nerves always set in. Thanks for listening.Keep the success stories coming,
on 7/13/11 12:53 pm - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
Hello Hot Mom,

I am not a Macik patient, but I do have many friends on OH who had their surgeries with him. He is especially good with vsg patients.  While everyone may have a different outcome and we all have the 1 out of 100 chance of a complication, I think you will be in good hands with Macik. I have not heard a single bad thing about him of his office or the hospital.

We are all nervous to some degree about our surgeries. If you know you are definitely having surgery and you are confident you have chosen the right procedure for you, try to concentrate on the things you can do to have a safer surgery.

1. Stick with the pre-op diet  to shrink your liver.

2. Start exercising daily to make your heart strong and get your blood circulation going and increase your lung capacity.

3. Educate yourself about your wls procedure and aftercare.

4. Find a good support system to get you through the hard times post op.

Sassyjonz gave some great advice to another OH member some months ago. She suggested visualizing yourself having a safe, successful surgery and recovery. Meditate on this daily. If you are a woman of faith, pray and ask for God's protection and guidance.  I know it may seem corny, but I do believe it is effective. Try to think positive thoughts and don't dwell so much on the "what if" negative possibilities.  You have a 1 out of 100 chance of having a complication, but a 99 out of 100 chance of having a perfect outcome!

Plus, you have a great risk of dying or developing horrible health problens from being obese. 

Wls is not for everybody. Wls is not the easy way out. It can be down right painful, miserable, scary... Yes, it does come with certain risks.  If you think you can do it on your own, DON'T do it! But, if you have exhausted all your other options and failed at all attempts to lose naturally, go for it.

You are gonna be just fine :-)

               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

on 7/13/11 1:44 pm
Thanks Lashelle. I am a woman of faith and I do pray and ask God for strength through all this. I have exhausted all attempts of weight loss only to constantly fail miserably and gain back all the weight and more! I will do just like you said and try to meditate on positive outcome. I know I deseve to live a long healthy life but I am so like many other woman who put everyone else above their own needs and lose their self in it all. I hope maybe you and anyone else reading who do believe to lift me up in prayer.thank you again.it means a lot.
Nick E.
on 7/16/11 10:17 am - Duluth, GA
"Half the Man I used to be"

I had my VSG with Dr. Macik almost a year ago at Emory Johns Creek hospital and I have enjoyed a very positive post op experience and results. I have lost 90 lbs todate post surgery after dropping an initial 90 lbs preop during a diet and walking program while awaiting insurance approval. Dr. Macik and his staff have provided excellent follow up support so far and I have heard only positive praise from his patients. I will have my one year follow up visit next month with Dr Macik and look forward showing him my results since I am only 1lb away from my secondary stretch goal of weighing 180lbs after starting this journey at 360lbs in August 2009.

I decided on a VSG based on my extensive personal research and Dr. Macik's recommendation for my situation and I have not regretted that decision so far. Have you been attending any WLS Support Group meetings? Emory Johns Creek Hospital hosts several special focus meetings each month and their schedules can be found on thier website under The Atlanta Bariatric Center.
on 7/18/11 12:09 am
Hey Nick do you know of any psychologist in the area for after care? Like Suwannee area or around? Thanks
Nick E.
on 7/18/11 12:28 am - Duluth, GA
Sorry, but I haven't had any experience with a psychologist Post Surgery. Luckily the Emory Johns Creek Support group system has kept me on track. Maybe Dr. Macik's staff can make a recommendation that your insurancde carrier will cover.
on 7/16/11 10:51 am
Thanks Nick. I'm so glad you have done so well.thanks for your input on dr. Macik.more of a reason to know I chose the right doctor. I havmt gone to any support groups but I definitely will.
on 7/17/11 4:52 am

Hello atlhotmom4,

I am a member of the Macik Menagerie! I had RNY in November of '09 and have had very good results. I have followed his instructions to the letter.  I am now in the process of having some plastic surgery done (upper arms) after my 135 pound weight loss.
Don't be discouraged by his lack of good bedside manner. He WILL take the time to answer your questions and make you feel comfortable, but he will not comfort or console you. He is just not a talker.
When you go for follow up appointments you will probably spend most of your time with a nurse, one who has probably had WLS, and then he will come in to talk to you. If you have questions, ask him and he will answer.
Also when ever you have lab work done go ahead and have Macik's office make a copy for you to take with you. Then you won't have to ask to have them faxed over when you go to your regular doctor. Just saves time.
Good luck and I hope things go as well for you as they have for me.
Remember to walk, walk, walk and sip, sip, sip as soon as you can after surgery. Take one day at a time and follow the rules.


on 7/17/11 7:01 am
Thanks ccoleman! U are to the "T" about macik. Also what a great idea about copies of the bloodwork! So glad your a success! I can't wait to join the losers bench!
Paul C.
on 7/17/11 11:57 pm - Cumming, GA
I had surgery with Macik last year.  I have nothing but good things to say about him.
Paul C.
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