Newbie Possibly traveling for DS to Dr. Houston in Nashville

on 6/28/11 6:21 am - Louisville, KY
DS on 02/27/12
Hello, Georgia OHers! I am a newbie and have only been researching WLS, particularly the DS, for a few weeks now, but I feel I have learned a lot already, and am especially thankful to OH for all of the knowledgeable folks on these boards.  If everything works out with insurance and if Dr. Houston accepts me under his DS wing, which I'm worried about at this point because I'm a light weight with a BMI of 41.

Now to my question for the traveling patients of Dr. Houston, are there any tips you wish you'd known about early in the process that you could offer a newbie like me?

Ann M.
on 6/29/11 1:30 pm - GA
For general questions on Dr. Houston and the DS you may also want to post on the Tennessee board and the DS board. In terms of travel, I live in Atlanta so the drive is 4.5 hours. It's not bad really and there are two nicer hotels that offer the Centennial rate so I usually drive up and stay over night and head back the next day. I try to get the earliest appointment I can so I can boogie back home.

As far as being a lightweight I can't speak to that but I can tell you that you must be well-educated on the DS before he will even consider it. I imagine being well versed on the surgery can only help you. Have you had an appointment yet? His office staff rocks so at least you will have that in your favor.


-Band to DS revision on 06/21/2011!
Highest known Wt/ Lowest Wt (Banded)/ Regain-Starting Wt/ Current Wt/ Goal Wt
379.6/ 272/ 342/ 169/ South of 200


on 6/30/11 12:14 am - Louisville, KY
DS on 02/27/12
Thanks, Ann! That's funny because someone suggest I post here after posting on the TN board, mainly because you guys travel and I am going to be a traveler as well.  I have been on the DS board some also.  I am researching my heart out right now since I just started the 6-month diet, and there's not much to do but kill time.  I figured I wouldn't even make an attempt to have an office appt. until I have a few months of this diet under my belt.  I am, however, going to a surgical seminar in August.

on 6/30/11 2:14 am - Louisville, KY
DS on 02/27/12
What kind of rates can you get and will Centennial have a list of hotels that they use? I'm concerned for family when they come to stay when I have my surgery, well, and for myself for post-op visits.

Ann M.
on 7/14/11 2:18 pm - GA
Sorry just saw this. As someone posted the hospitality house is free just try and get in early to make sure you have a room. The Hampton Inn nearby is like $100 - $125 a night. HTH


-Band to DS revision on 06/21/2011!
Highest known Wt/ Lowest Wt (Banded)/ Regain-Starting Wt/ Current Wt/ Goal Wt
379.6/ 272/ 342/ 169/ South of 200


Fascinated One
on 6/30/11 6:58 am, edited 6/30/11 6:59 am - Atlanta, GA
For housing, you may want to check out the Hospitality House:

My husband stayed there free of charge during my five-day hospital stay---though mostly he was in the room with me.

The ride isn't bad at all. I always return on the same day of my appointments, stopping at the outlet mall on the way back for a bit of shopping and dining. Some use their own cars, but I get a rental because there are a lot of mountains.

Good luck!
START 318 | CW 179 | GW 165 | --- Updated Feb 3, 2012 (-139) 
Have you researched all of your options?
Duodenal Switch--Check it out at and
on 7/15/11 12:34 am - Louisville, KY
DS on 02/27/12
Thanks for your suggestions guys! I will keep the info. in mind. I guess I'm also concerned that I will need to stay longer outside of the hospital stay, like an extra week just to be extra cautious.  Could I stay at the Hospitality House myself?

on 7/20/11 5:00 am - GA
Have you checked with your insurance? I have UHC and they offer assistance with out of state WLS (at least my plan does).
on 7/20/11 9:32 am - Louisville, KY
DS on 02/27/12
 Wow, I didn't know companies had out-of-state WLS benefits; did you have to apply for them, I mean how did you find out that that was part of your plan? I have UHC as well.

on 7/20/11 12:50 pm - GA
I had my surgery in-state but I remember reading in the insurance handbook in the weight loss surgery section about assitence for the patient and assisting adult if out of state surgery is needed. I would just call your insurance and ask them, my plan is through US Bank and I don't know if its a specific benefit to their plan.
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