Royal Wedding Recap......

on 4/29/11 9:25 am - Athens, GA

The Wedding: Royal Fruit Cake, Ugly Hats, Bratty Kids & Rogaine

So for those of you that missed the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate (NowHasATitleToo) Middleton at Westminster Abbey let me give you the Reader’s Digest condensed version.


Ok let’s start with that wedding cake. Fruit cake?! Really???

Why I ask you?
Is this to get the guests to leave the reception early? They see the fruit cake and take off running?

Now on to the fashion DON’T'S! Ugly hats! And they picked these out in advance??? Were these ladies thinking “let me go pick out an awesome dress for the wedding……….and a butt-ugly hat to go with it!"?

Like this

And this



What wedding would be complete without a bratty kid? Even a royal wedding!

Yeah Little Miss Sunshine there doesn’t look too happy does she?

Now let’s talk about that hair! Prince William is a nice looking man. Borderline eye candy even? But………GO BUY SOME ROGAINE! Your too young for your royal head to be going bald!

And as an afterthought…………..Let’s talk about Camilla!
Am I the only one here that thinks she looks like a drag “queen"??? No pun intended.

I didn’t think so!


Well that’s it on the wrap up of the Royal Wedding


on 4/29/11 12:26 pm - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
This reminded me of the 2 ugly stepsisters in Cinderella!!!

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on 4/29/11 2:31 pm - Athens, GA

Lol, a few ppl have mentioned that already!


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