xp Not all pounds are equal - or hydrostatic weighing!

(deactivated member)
on 4/19/11 8:04 pm - GA
VSG on 05/04/09 with

I am nearly 2 years out, and my "size" has not changed much.  I take pictures of me in mostly skin so I can see changes in me, since I do work out and a lot of my weight lifting is geared to give my extra skin a nice form to drape over :} 

But I have found that I *really* am encouraged by getting hydrostatically weighed!  I am the same "size" pantswise as I was 6 months ago, one favorite britches have been a little tighter in the thighs, so I was thinking I definitely have gained muscle, but my breasts are a little more breasty than they were in the past, I was thinking, so I thought I probably have gained muscle and a fat percentage or two.

Anyway - this weekend was my annual Spring Fling - aka - day, possibly 2 of eating pure D crap with no limits.  :}  Sooo, I knew that my "dry weight" was going to be up more than it would have if the test had been schedule for before Spring Fling, but I do not make the schedule for when the guy shows up on this side of town, so that is that. 

But!  I am pleased with the numbers!  Here they are!


This year (04/19/2011) 156

Last year (10/19/2010) 151.25

Body Fat

This year 16.7%, 26.1 pounds fat

Last year 19.7%, 29.75 pounds fat


Lean Body Mass

This year 129.9 pounds lean

Last year 121.45 pounds lean


Gained 4.75 pounds of dry weight

Gained 8.45 pounds of lean

Lost 3.65 pounds of fat

 In 6 months,  just doing my regularly scheduled eating and exercise.


I wishwishwish I had had this done before surgery and when I called goal!  Ah well. 

I get this done with these folks bodyfattest.com locally here in Atlanta. Its 45 for the first time and 35 for each time after, they come to my gym, but they go all around town.

It certainly helps me to have a more "realistic" view of what a goal weight ought to be, if I was still trying to be in the middle of "normal" then that would be 133 pounds, which probably I could not get to, and most definitely my body might fight me tooth and nail to be at!

I am 0.1 under OVERWEIGHT by the BMI - so can you see, it definitely works as a gauge for a while, but depending on your COMPOSITION - it can be setting you up to think you are less healthy than you think! 

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