Since I missed the meeting...

Valarie R.
on 3/1/11 1:08 pm
 View more of my photos at

This is for my Northside Forsyth group - I missed seeing everyone :)
Mom to Sy, partner to Pork, Psych grad student, Judoka, Living the DREAM!!!
Fascinated One
on 3/2/11 12:45 am - Atlanta, GA

Looking great!
START 318 | CW 179 | GW 165 | --- Updated Feb 3, 2012 (-139) 
Have you researched all of your options?
Duodenal Switch--Check it out at and
Valarie R.
on 3/2/11 1:59 am
 Thanks :)
Mom to Sy, partner to Pork, Psych grad student, Judoka, Living the DREAM!!!
on 3/2/11 7:21 am - Macon, GA
oooo cool... can I be you?  You really look great.

Highest 330,    Surgery 297,     Goal 140.     Current 130
First Dr visit - 330 -
BMI 58.4,    Surgery - 297  BMI 52.6
01/24/2011 - 196 BMI 34.7 (ONEderland YEAH!!!),                 ...GeorgiaPink
08/10/2011 Reached GOAL Baby! 140 BMI 24.0                           is my Angel.
- 139 BMI 23.8 One Year Anniversary 
Valarie R.
on 3/9/11 1:38 pm
 Are you kidding? According to your signature, you've lost soooooo much more than me, and we're only 20lbs apart! YOU'RE MY HERO!
Mom to Sy, partner to Pork, Psych grad student, Judoka, Living the DREAM!!!
on 3/2/11 9:36 pm - Cumming, GA
Missed you too.

Great looking picture! The new hair color works for ya!

Paul C.
on 3/3/11 1:48 am - Cumming, GA
That is so not the Vak from the first meeting.

You are doing great.  Not to worry I stepped up and was the difficult one while you were away.  Now to make up for missing the meeting you have to run the Boulderdash 5K with everyone
Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
Valarie R.
on 3/6/11 4:41 am
 Thanks Paul :)

I really appreciate you taking my place and making sure someone was difficult for Paula - have to keep her on her toes!

And I have started running... but I'm still doing walk/run intervals... so no 5k quite yet. Maybe in a few months?

See you in a few weeks!!!
Mom to Sy, partner to Pork, Psych grad student, Judoka, Living the DREAM!!!
Paula Duncan, RN
BS CBN, Northside...

on 3/9/11 3:36 am - Atlanta, GA

Absolutely LOVE it!!!! 

Oh and no worries... there are several who gladly give me a hard time!  Hahaha

But dont even THINK about missing again missy!

Valarie R.
on 3/9/11 5:21 am
About that... bad news! I'm in a physics class the next 7 weeks that only meets Tuesday nights from 6-11pm! And I have am exam every week, so I can't skip baring a cancelled class, I won't be there again until May!!!

And yes... they're heels. And I love them
Mom to Sy, partner to Pork, Psych grad student, Judoka, Living the DREAM!!!
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