Special Surgery Prayers for Walterswife 2-25-2011

on 2/25/11 12:03 am - Roswell, GA
It is a privilege to join in this cloud of witnesses praying that you and all who love you may know the peace that passes all understanding & God's imperishable love for all y'all!
PS Any updates?

Lauralyn Bellamy, MA, MDIV, ct Dreamcoach
Self-sabotage stopped!
Learn more at: embodysuccesscoach.com

on 2/25/11 1:06 am - Lithonia, GA
You know that I love you, and I am praying for you. 

Thanks Lashelle and GA Board.  This is a wonderful outpouring, and I know she will be SOOOO happy to see it.  I think that walking in the Breast Cancer Walk is a WONDERFUL IDEA.

Celeste had to report to pre op at 9:30 this morning, and I think she was expecting the actual surgery around 1:00.  I will definately post an update after I call Walter later today. 
HW-  255       SW- 239     GW-150      CW- 143 (uh!!!! 4 more lbs needed for 100) 
M U.
on 2/25/11 4:07 am
Adding my prayers and healing vibes to Celeste!! All the best.
on 2/25/11 10:31 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
Tiffany spoke with Walter this evening. He reports all is well with Celeste. Thanks OH family for all your prayers.

I know this will be a hard long term process for her and her husband, so keep them in ypour prayers.

I agree we ladies participating in a breast cancer walk in her honor would be a wonderful gesture of our love for Celeste.  We will have to speak with her when she is feeling well to  get her thoughts on this.
on 2/26/11 1:04 pm - Atlanta, GA
Wow! Sorry to be sooo late on this.  My dad has been in the hospital for the past couple of days.

All my prayers to Celeste and Walter during this battle with "C" as I know it requires all their attention and focus for a while.

Be strong Celeste, you can beat this!


Starting weight & height: 265/5' 8.5; Goal weight: 160; Current weight: 155

on 2/26/11 2:52 pm - Athens, GA

Lia hope your dad is doing ok now!




on 2/27/11 10:23 am - Atlanta, GA
Thanks Maria.  He is home and recovering.

Starting weight & height: 265/5' 8.5; Goal weight: 160; Current weight: 155

on 2/27/11 5:23 am
I'm praying for her and her family.
14.5 lost pre-surgery  5'1 1/2"                                      LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
on 3/1/11 12:43 am
Hello all,

What can I say to such a special group of people?  I began reading your posts on Thursday evening and concluded reading on Friday during the time that I was waiting for them to take me to the emergency room.  As I began reading the posts on Thursday all I could do was cry......bet you all didn't know I am a big baby.  Despite my faults, God is good. 

I thank God for each of you and thank you for having prayed for me and for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.  Over the past 60 years I have had many challenges and obstacles.  This one has topped them all.  There have been some rough days over the past two months when I first became aware that there might be a problem.  I continue to hold on to God, my family and wonderful friends like you.

I am progressing well.  I came home on Sunday and am resting comfortably.  I am still in considerable pain but am taking my pain meds religiously.  I was discharged with 4 JP drains and hope to get them out on Thursday which is my first post op visit with the plastic surgeon.

I would ask each of you to remind your friends and relatives to get their annual mammograms.  That is how my cancer was discovered.  Because of it, the cure rate is close to 100%. Without the mammogram it might have been years before it was discovered which may have resulted in a more advanced stage and less of a likelihood of a cure. 

Thanks again to each of you for your kind words, for all that you have done and continue to do.  You make me feel special!  Will post later as I begin to feel better.


HW 240/ SW 229/ GW 146/CW 125; OH Support Group Leader   

Starting size:  18W-20;  Present size: 0 or 2; 5'5-1/2" tall. 
Current BMI 20.4 as of 2/13/2013 (normal for the first time in my life).
Goal weight reached on 8/12/2010; As of 1/13/2013, 21 pounds below goal

Fascinated One
on 3/1/11 4:20 am - Atlanta, GA

Big hugs to you. I'm so glad everything went well. I got my first mammogram last year, and will continue to get them because if a problem arises, I want to be in on that 100% cure rate, too.

Wow, four drains!  Well, take care of yourself and I hope your pain eases soon.


START 318 | CW 179 | GW 165 | --- Updated Feb 3, 2012 (-139) 
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