Obesity and Self Esteem..............Operation Beautiful

on 12/31/10 2:57 am - Athens, GA
Because so many of us have issues with self esteem as a result of years of obesity or morbid obesity, I thought this was a wonderful way of making others feel special..............if only for a minuit.

Operation Beautiful…….An Inspiring Blog for ALL Women



On Twitter I recently became familiar with Operation Beautiful. I love the concept! Here’s some info about it from their website.



The mission of Operation Beautiful is to post anonymous notes in public places for other women to find. The point is that WE ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL. You are enough… just the way you are!



The Mission

The goal of the Operation Beautiful website is to end negative self-talk or “Fat Talk."  If this little blog only does one productive thing, I hope it helps readers realize how truly toxic negative self-talk is  — it hurts you emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

Through my own experiences fighting Fat Talk, I’ve realized the power behind an anonymous act such as Operation Beautiful.  When I post a note, I’m saying, “I CHOOSE to be positive!"

I began Operation Beautiful by leaving positive messages on the mirrors of public restrooms — at work, at the gym, at the grocery store.  I scribble down whatever comes to mind — “You are beautiful!" or “You are amazing just the way you are!"  My personal goal is to leave as many Operation Beautiful notes as I can. Maybe some people read them and just smile, but I bet some people are truly touched by the effort of a random stranger.


Operation Beautiful is simple: all you need is a pen and a piece of paper. If you want to join the mission, send me an e-mail at [email protected] with a photograph of your Operation Beautiful note or a description of your experience, and I’ll post it on the Operation Beautiful site for thousands of others to read and enjoy!




on 1/5/11 4:00 am - GA
LOVE this!
on 1/5/11 4:21 am - Athens, GA

I know! Isn't it awesome?!




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