Appointment with Dr. Chasen

on 12/5/10 9:33 pm - Cochran, GA
Hi everyone,

I have been trying to have surgery for a couple of years now, ever since SHBP added coverage. But, then my husband lost his job, so I had to put it off. But, now he has a job again, so I am moving forward. I have my first consultation with Dr. Chasen on January 7th. The lady from his office says that I have to do my 6 month supervised diet again because it has been a couple of years since I started last time, and I have to do my 6 months of support groups meetings, but I hope to have surgery in June! I wanted to wait til then anyway since I am a teacher and off for the summer, so it should work out perfectly! I am SOOO excited.

Susan, 45 (wife, mom, youth pastor, teacher)
HW 378/CW 46/GW 145

on 12/5/10 10:40 pm - Atlanta, GA
Please check with Insurance.  I read it and it says anytime in the last 5 years!
on 12/6/10 1:02 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
Denise is right. If you already did 6 consecutive months, you are all set to go. You can have your surgery now.

               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

on 12/6/10 1:40 am - Cochran, GA
That's what I thought too, but when the rep from Dr. Chasen's office called, she said the insurance company told her it had to be within the last year. I'm going to call Cigna today and see what's going on. Regardless, I'm not having surgery til summer. I can't afford to miss work.  :(
on 12/7/10 11:09 pm
Hi Susan,
Congratulations on getting things started again.

I had SHBP-UHC and they told me I had to do it within a year of completing my requirements, but that was 1 1/2 years ago so it could have changed.

Good luck.

14.5 lost pre-surgery  5'1 1/2"                                      LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
on 12/23/10 11:38 am - Hephzibah, GA
Congratulations on getting things moving again!  You will love Dr. Chasen.  You might find it helpful to join the Augusta WLS message board too.  You'll have the opportunity to talk with a large number of his patients.

Good luck!
Proximal Open RNY 11/2003
"No tool works if it's been forgotten in the drawer"
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