Hi everyone new to the board 4 year post op

on 11/21/10 7:21 pm - GA
 Hi everyone! I haven't posted on OH in a very long time. But I am 4 years out as of this weekend. I had my surgery the monday before thanksgiving that year. I remember listening to people tell me how sorry they were that I wouldn't get to have the last feast before my surgery and how others were having their thanksgiving weeks early so that they could get it in. Me? I was thrilled to have it. I never had that last feast. My thanksgiving dinner was 2 bites of ground up turkey and one bite of mashed potatoes and I couldn't have been happier. I started off my journey at 278 lbs. I am currently sitting at 175 lbs. I have gained some in the last few months due to some issues with my thyroid but I am on a higher dose of medication now so hopefully that kicks in and I start losing weight again, get back down to 145-150. That is where I like being and I can honestly say that this journey even with all the bumps in the road, the twists and turns was WELL worth it. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I have had a little boy since my surgery, I got pregnant with him a little more than a year after I had my bypass. And I am now enjoying the wonders of Zumba (OMG I love it!) which is something that I would have never been able to do at my previous weight. I can also run around with my girls, I can play with them. I have energy again. I still take my vitamins and I have gone back to some basics the last week or so with upping my protein to help with the weight loss. I am also jumping back on the tons of clear liquid not so much diet soda wagon as well. I have learned so much from this journey and from OH as well. Hopefully I can help pass on some of my knowledge to others!



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