What Do I need For Surgery?

on 11/21/10 9:46 am
I am about to have surgery Tuesday and I have no clue of what I will need to take with me. Can someone help me please????


on 11/21/10 12:02 pm - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
Honestly you don't need much of anything. The hospital will provide you with everything you need from deodorant to toothbrushes.  I forgot my cell phone charger and the hospital even found one for me! 

I packed a pretty gown and robe, but never came out of the hospital gown. I never saw any of the other patients in personal gowns either. 

People have these ridiculously long lists, and it really is just not that serious.

 Anything else from home you may want for security and comfort is up to you.  You will spend most of your time sleeping.  When you are awake, you should be up walking or using the spirometer.

2 things I would not have wanted to be without was baby powder and a long handled body sponge.  

I would have been ok just going with the clothes on my back though.

I think packing all that crap is therapeutic and takes your mind off the surgery or something.  If it relaxes you pack away :-)

Congrats on making it to the finish line. Sending prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery.


on 11/22/10 1:30 am
Well I think that I am ready .... I have been preparing for this day and now that it is finally here, I am still in shock.

Thanks so much for ur support. It is definitely needed and appreciated.


on 11/21/10 12:19 pm - Atlanta, GA
Let's see, I am gonna try to do this from memory but somewhere on these boards there is a great comprehensive list.  Try doing a search.

I remember one of the big ones was chapstick or some type of lip lubricant.  Your lips will be pretty chapped.
My surgeon didn't allow me to even have water or ice chips for the 1st  24 hours.  I could only have these nasty flavored mouth swabs.

Also, Gas X strips.
I wore the same clothes home that I wore to the hospital
You might want to take a few pairs of underwear
Sanitary napkins/tampons - I've read more than 1 story of people's periods starting right after surgery.
A robe for those laps around ward.
I didn't bother trying to change into pajamas or other clothes...I was too weak.  You may be different.
I took non-slippery house shoes...they expect you to walk, walk, walk.
Grip (toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash, soap, deoderant, lotion, etc) - just depends on the hospital you go to whether they have this stuff or not.  You may want to play it safe and take your own if you are particular or have allergies or whatever.
Reading material - if you are feeling well enough to read, you rock!
Any meds you take regularly in the bottles
Any vitamins you are already taking

That's all I can think of.

Vet's please chime in with what I have missed or a link to a better list.


Starting weight & height: 265/5' 8.5; Goal weight: 160; Current weight: 155

on 11/21/10 12:20 pm - Atlanta, GA
Good luck by the way.  And may God guide your surgeon's hand with skill and care.

You will be fine and joining us on the Losers Bench before the week is out!


Starting weight & height: 265/5' 8.5; Goal weight: 160; Current weight: 155

on 11/22/10 1:40 am
Thank you so much for just responding. I am still in the SHOCK mode and trying to take care of what I need to do. But I am takin it in stride.

Thanks for ur prayers also. Can't wait to join you on the Loser's Bench!!!


Fascinated One
on 11/21/10 11:03 pm - Atlanta, GA
I took a suitcase full of things but didn't really use much at all. Most everything I needed was at the hospital. My period was scheduled to start during my hospital stay, and it did. I brought some pads from home but quickly went thru them. The pads they supplied were petite size (in the bariatric unit!) and I had to lay two end to end to have enough coverage.

Other things I packed and actually used:
Hair comb
Satin hair cap
Lip balm

Good luck!
START 318 | CW 179 | GW 165 | --- Updated Feb 3, 2012 (-139) 
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on 11/22/10 1:50 am
Thanks for that information. I am tryin my best to not take too much. I am at this point completely overwhelmed in my mind and in AWE lol it is really about to happen. I have lost 66 lbs already from the liquid diet but I dont see it but everyone else does. I cant wait to reach 100 lbs off it will be the ultimate high lol.

Thanks again for ur information and ur prayers and support!!


on 11/22/10 6:33 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
Great Job on the 66! If you can do that on your own, I know you are going to do awesome with the rny!

Please don't stress about packing a bunch of stuff. You will be too out of it to even use any of it.

As for taking meds from home, it's best to let the nurses administer anything you need including Gas X. Just to be on the safe side. The hospital can get any meds you need. If it's a rare med, let your surgeon know n advance so he can make sure it's there for you.

Pretty much anything you need should be able to fit in a shopping bag. If it's more than that, take some stuff out and leave it at home.

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My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

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