Area NUT question

on 11/1/10 10:18 pm - Atlanta, GA
Who has Rachel?
I went to see her for my 6 week follow up last week.  I have to tell you, I really like her.  I feel like her plan helps us assimilate back into society easier. I don't want to totally live on slider foods for the rest of my life and I do a ton of restaurant enteraining of clients. I have truly enjoyed working with her and I love that she is so responsive on email.  Here is my question.  I answered to a WETEO's poll this am, and got a comment that insinuated I may be way over doing it.  Question is for those that have Rachel, am I doing something wrong?

B-1/2 cup Kashi and a little milk
S- Pure Protein shake 35g
L-1/2 of healthy cuisine lobster ravioli (2 raviolis and a couple of bites of veggies)
S-1/4 cup almonds
S2- 1/2 protein bar
D-1/2 cup Turkey Chili, cheese, greek yogurt

I have never thrown up, gotten anything stuck and don't drink after meals.

SW 301/CW 205/GW 150 
gallbladder removal and hernia repair 6/3/2011
on 11/2/10 12:22 am, edited 11/2/10 12:22 am
Imho .... that is too many carbs for being only a couple months out... I would not do the cereal yet... I eat Kroger carbmaster yogurt or an egg.

I would definetely not do any healthy cuisine or prepackaged frozen foods.... I still rarely do them.... some turkey, roast beef rolled up in a slice of cheese... some veggies and fruit.... I only got my carbs from veggies and fruit for the first 9 months !!!!!

And I only would do one snack and only if you are hungry... to this date I'm still not physically "hungry">>>

And BTW I lost 140 pnds and am now maintaining....


PS what is a WETEO Poll???
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on 11/2/10 1:39 am - Atlanta, GA
Thank you so much for your feedback as that is what I was looking for. After your comment, I decided to email Rachel to make sure I interpreted her guidelines correctly.  She said yes but I was missing fruit which I could substitute for the almonds.  She actually said for me, the carbs were fine and I wasn't eating too much.  I feel much better and will just have to remember that each NUT and doc have their own way of doing things. 

Congrats on your weight loss!  I can't wait to get there. 

The WETEO's posts happen everyday "Watcha Eating Today Everyone"  I like to see people's menus for the day to get ideas.   It is on the RNY and usually on the Main Forum sites.
SW 301/CW 205/GW 150 
gallbladder removal and hernia repair 6/3/2011
on 11/3/10 3:36 am
Your welcome.... Just remember the first 9 months are critical... as you will loose the most amount of wt. Make sure you capitalize on it....

Oh I've seen those posts... and "some" folks are way way off on their eating IMHO. My doc doesn't have a full time NUT because he is much stricter and it's hard to find one he agrees with... I started with your doc(he is great and cute) but because of some paperwork issues I wound up with my doc...and I'm glad he was strict.

Keep up the good work


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