on 10/13/10 8:30 am
I know that I am not a regular here but I just wanted someone to share in my excitement.

After 2 denials, I have finally been approved for the Gastric Sleeve Surgery!!!!!!

I was about to give up and try to find another insurance provider after  BCBS of GA was adamant about saying that this procedure was "INVESTIGATIONAL" although my BCBS Federal describes this procedure as an acceptable form of WLS.

I was so upset after my surgeon, Dr. Robert Richard, was unsuccessful in his one on one conference with the Insurance Doctor, I almost gave up.

I was on my mandatory Liquid Diet that I was mastering daily and feeling good about staying on it. That blew me out of the water and I threw up my hands and just said "I Give Up"

Well, thank God for someone praying   for me because I am finally APPROVED!! 
Now that I am approved, I am gonna need an angel. I am an out of state patient from MS!  Thanks so much for allowing me to vent just a lil bit lol!!


on 10/13/10 10:22 am, edited 10/13/10 12:10 pm - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
Congrats!!! You are welcome on the GA board any time you

need a friend.  Where is your surgeon located in GA? Will you

be travelling alone?

                                            Click to get the codes for this image. This glitter graphic shows an animated glass of champaign on a background of gold stars. The comment reads: Congratulations!

I am popping open the champagne to celebrate this victory. 
Not only did you win this for yourself. I am sure you have opened up the door for other bsbs patients wanting the sleeved to make it easier for them to get approved too!!! Woo Hoo. 

I predict with the lapband results being so unfavorable, more and more people will be seeking the sleeve. I wouldn't be surprised if 10 years from now DS and sleeve will not outrank rny and DS in numbers.  The results just don't lie.  Kudos to you for fighting for what you know you need for your health and not settling for less.


               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

on 10/13/10 11:07 am
Thanks for the support!! Dr. Richards is in Gainesville, GA. I will be traveling alone but I my fam will come down for my surgery and thats the most important thing and my friends that are in other states will fly down later cuz I will need the support.

I can not tell u how happy I am right now. I cried on the phone when she called and I love her to death for resubmitting without telling me.  So technically, I didnt have to appeal the decision. I dont understand why I was denied in the first place but now it doesnt even matter anymore. It feels good that my surgeon's office did not give up on me when I was about to give up on myself.

You are right about the DS which was my first choice and I was goin to another Dr. who I will not name but he was unwilling to accept me as his patient until  I lost about 80lbs and paid their program fee of $500 cuz I was out of state and I told them if I could lose tht I wouldnt be tryin to have WLS anyway lol well so much for him and at the time I began searchin for the DS there wasnt anyone in Tenn doing the surgery let on Miss. so thats how I ended up in GA. So I found someone who did not have fee or a weight limit. I have since heard of other Drs performing DS and the Sleeve in Tenn but I didnt want to hve to change anymore after all I have gone thru and I am happy with whom I have chosen.


on 10/13/10 12:10 pm - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
 Good for you. Just want to note I had my DS in Nashville TN with Dr. Hough Houston. He is very welcoming to out of state patients and will allow you to use all your pre-op testing from the previous surgeon.  He does not charge a program fee.

The DS is a good option if you have a lot of weight to lose and want to keep it off forever. The stomach portion  is the same as the sleeve, but DS has the added malabsorption through rerouting the intestines.  So, once your sleeve stretches out and you can eat more, you still have the "switch" to work to keep the weight off.  There is very little chance of weight regain.

I know switching again is the last thing on your mind tonight, but do consider all your options. I switched surgeons myself after insurance had approved me. Best choice I made on this journey!

Until you actually lay down on the OR table, all your options are still available to you :-)

               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

on 10/14/10 10:20 am
Congratulations on finally getting approved!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dr. Richard did my RNY in August. He is an EXCELLENT doctor. I know numerous people that had their surgery done by him.

Let me know if I can be of any help to you. I live about 35 minutes north of Gainesville.
HW 251/SW 239/CW 183/GW 150  height= 5'5"
on 10/14/10 11:42 pm - Lithonia, GA

Congrats on the approval!  I have the sleeve, and it has been pretty good  to me..... (We'll talk later:).  Please feel free to hit me up anytime for info.  I am a Mississippian as well.... so please DON'T hesitate:):):)

Get ready for your journey!!!!


HW-  255       SW- 239     GW-150      CW- 143 (uh!!!! 4 more lbs needed for 100) 
on 10/15/10 6:52 am, edited 10/15/10 6:54 am
Thank you!!! I am sooooo happy I just cant even express how it feels to finally be this close to surgery . I have been on this journey for 5 yrs now and I am so ready to start living again and not just merely existing.

Yeah we have got to talk because I will need some local support as well while I am there..... cant wait to talk to  you.


on 10/15/10 11:25 am

So glad to see you found a surgeon and have finally been approved.  I know that you have been working on this for a long time.

I understand from one of my friends that Dr. Richard is wonderful.  She was one of his first payments at the bariatric program in Gwinnett Medical Center. 


HW 240/ SW 229/ GW 146/CW 125; OH Support Group Leader   

Starting size:  18W-20;  Present size: 0 or 2; 5'5-1/2" tall. 
Current BMI 20.4 as of 2/13/2013 (normal for the first time in my life).
Goal weight reached on 8/12/2010; As of 1/13/2013, 21 pounds below goal

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