Topic of the Week: I wasn't prepared for ...........? when I started this process.

on 9/28/10 12:30 am, edited 9/28/10 2:09 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
Wake up everybody!  It's been too dang quiet around here lately.  

I decided it's a good time to start back with our weekly discussion topics to get the conversation flowing again.

So this week, I think we should jump start with the unexpected aspects of wls.  Whether you're just starting, or several years out, we've all encountered some shockers.

So, what has surprised you the most about the whole wls process?

on 9/28/10 1:56 am, edited 9/28/10 2:11 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
I have had quite a few OMG.gif OMG image by mybusiness moments during this journey. Here are a few things that were a shocker:

1. INSURANCE!  I never imagined there would be so much drama. In the past if I was sick or had to get anything done, I just went to the doctor and paid my co-pay and that was all.
Dealing with the insurance requirements was like a second job. 

2. Excess skin in weird places. Just use your imagination :-)

3.  Lack of motivation... When you start this, you're all into the whole process, you are energized, and determined. You are gonna be the perfect post-op.  Then sometime between that first McDouble and the first day you decide I'd rather watch my dvr recording of Oprah than go to the gym, it happens... 

I know my DS is an amazing gift, and I worked hellishly hard to get it, but some days I just don't want to be good.  I don't want to take my vitamins, I don't want to work out, I don't want to eat 90g of protein.... I just want to be NORMAL and not have to think of my damned DS all the time.

I wouldn't say I'm complacent, but I'm definitely not all into this whole DS thing like I was at first.  I guess the new car scent has faded.

4. I am never gonna look NORMAL!

"You're trading the fat for flab and flab for scars. So you're always going to have a big fat flaw no matter what."

                     Ruby Gettinger

I watched this episode of Oprah where she and Ruby discussed Ruby's plans to have plastic surgery to combat some of her excess skin.   Ruby's statement resonated deep within my spirit.  No mater what I do. I will never be normal.  No amount of exercise, or money for plastics, or magic panty shapers will ever make me truly normal.

There will always be some tattle-tale evidence that I used to be 333 pounds.

When I look at myself in the mirror, I still see traces of the FAT LaShelle in my flabby tummy, saggy boobs, stretch marks, the 5 nearly invisible (but I can see them) scars.   

I discussed this briefly with 4 of my surgery sisters this past Saturday over dinner, and they all thought I was foolish as a couple of ladies pointed out their own bat wings.   

I feel guilty sometimes for complaining, even a bit ungrateful because I have seen other post-ops with far more severe scarring and sagging, but it bugs me just the same.

I have come to the realization that's how you can be a size 12 or 6 or even 4 and still feel FAT... because the FAT body literally is still there draped over your thin body, tucked in with body shapers and well tailored clothing. Your outward appearance is like a Halloween Princess costume covering a ghastly monster underneath. It's just nobody sees the monster but you. 

When a man in the supermarket gives me "the look" I think to myself "buddy if you only knew what really is going on under this dress"  and I don't mean seductively either,  LOL.

5. I didn't expect to meet the friends I have.  I have been SO, SO, SO, SO blessed to now be able to call so many wonderful, talented, successful, beautiful, smart, funny, loving, caring, people my friends.    

If not for this wls our paths never would have crossed because in many cases we wouldn't have had much else in common to cause us to pause if we met on the street to say hello.

I am so grateful, because I know my Surgery Sisters will be my friends for life. 

                                     purpbf.gif Purple Butterfly on water image by 12lindaterry


               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

on 9/28/10 2:23 am

You need to forgive yourself....:) You are being way too hard on oneself.


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on 9/28/10 4:40 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
Hard on myself in what way CC? 

               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

on 9/28/10 5:17 am
Not to be a dime store psychologist....but from what I read is that you can't forgive yourself for getting to your highest wt... and now you have to "live" with these battle scars and you'll never be normal. You have to forgive yourself for where you were... it's in the past and you took charge,did something and will now make it right for yourself... Love yourself,forgive yourself and make the rest of your life healthy and happy.

You see the secret is all humans make mistakes,do stuff in their lives they may regret.... our weight problem just showed up in the mirror and every where....

I'm not the most articulate... but does that make sense....?

For me I feel more normal than ever and the loose skin and soon to be scars of my brachioplasty will be a reminder of the past

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on 9/28/10 9:07 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA

I wouldn't go so far as to call it self loathing.   I don't even feel that much guilt about getting fat. Now early out, I had some serious issues and had quite a few " how did I let myself get so big that I have to put myself through this pain to fix it" conversations as I was recovering.

Ever heard the phrase "Strive for perfection, settle for excellence"? I guess that's where I am now, living with an acute realization perfection never ever will come. 

I liken it to the stretch marks and belly pooch from having your children. You love your children, and don't regret becoming a parent, but still, you wish those scars could go away.

               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

on 9/30/10 12:08 am
that's good.... And remember no body is perfect ....... Even my overly critical mom just came to visit and said that  my saggy skin I had wasn't sooo bad.... Miracles never cease.

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on 10/2/10 11:44 am
Since I researched and researched and researched and waited and waited and waited, there wasn't too much for which I was unprepared. However, I have been surprised by how quickly time has flown by (10.5 months) and how quickly I adapted to my new life style.
I am surprised by how good I feel and that I can wear heels, though short heels, for several hours at work. I always thought I felt pretty good, but I honestly had forgotten what "good" felt like!
I am still surprised at how differently people treat me now.
I am always surprised when people say "Ohh, I love that outfit" or "Where did you get that dress?" or the one that really takes me back, "I wish my waist was that small."
So far the only down side has been severe, severe, severe, I am talking severe, constipation due to calcium supplementation. I have tried everything. Dr. just says take MOM, which I do, I also take the magnesium with the calcium. I add 3 spoons of fiber to my morning coffee. I use glycerin suppositories. This is my daily battle.

I am not surprised at the amount of skin I have hanging everywhere, but I am surprised about how I am not worried about it.

This was the best thing that has happened to me and I am worth it!


on 10/8/10 1:15 am - ROCKMART, GA
This post was a wake up call for me even though I am pre opt because it made me realize that surgery is something that will help me however, I have to remember the same person who had the surgery is the same person who allowed her self to get out of control.  I know that I have to have myself prepared to face fact that I will always have something that says FAT.  Thanks for the post because it helps me remember the mental journey that DS surgery will bring me.
Rockmart Georgia                        
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