"No worries Mon"

on 9/23/10 10:50 am
Back from 4 day Bahama cruise. No problems eating at all. The problem was having to let the waiter take away and waste all that wonderful food. I had my protein shake in the morning, and ate regular food with protein first and a bite or two of desert the rest of the day. It was wonderful not to feel self conscious and able to walk for miles on the islands. Just wonderful!

Of course I happily answered questions from my table mates about my eating habits. They were all quite impressed. Hubby and I had some awesome pictures made. I will post before and after. ( just for you LaShelle) Unfortunately or maybe fortunately I have no sexy swim suit picture like LaShelle.

Thanks for all the input. Your support is invaluable!


on 9/24/10 2:06 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
*smile*  I will  post some sexy swimsuit pics now in fact.
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