Friend needing help.....

on 8/31/10 12:32 pm - Eastman, GA
I am in search of Doctor who would be willing to take another surgeons patient. 6 yrs ago Dr. Champion operated on a friend of mine. She has recently developed a problem. Dr. Williams saw her when she was admitted to Emory Johns Creek Hospital. After a battery of test, he found a problem and referred her back to Dr. Champion. After several weeks of trying to get an appt with him and having to pay a $250.00 fee, she finally saw Dr. Champion. He told her that he would not do anything for her at the point. She has been in a tremendous amt of pain and he became very depressed over the situation. I am here searching to see if there may be a dr. in Georgia or nearby who will see and operate on another surgeons patient if it is necessary. She has all the test results already.( I might add that cost her an addtional $90.00) I was very shocked that her surgeon and his staff would treat her that way and charge her such an outlandish amt to copy her records. After speaking with several of his patients, I was told that you sign an agreement (contract) with him stating that you will be a lifetime patient with his practice with no office visit cost or such. I am appalled at the actions of this office and I can not blame her for searching for someone to fix what is wrong with her. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
on 8/31/10 9:47 pm
What about Doc Williams? He won't treat her? He was Champion's partner? He is a really good doc and nice guy....

If not the only one I see that takes other's patients is Doc Steinberg.... I would start dialing away at all the top docs in town...

And this doesn't suprise me about this Doc.... I've had a warning out about him..... of couse goes unheeded around here....

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on 9/1/10 11:10 am - Eastman, GA
She did call Dr. Williams but I think because of his previous association with Dr. Champion he does not want to go that route. I know she called several of the drs that operate out of Emory Johns Creek and they told her they would not take one of his patients. I know she is desperate to get this issue resolved. I will pass on Dr. Steinbergs name to her. Thanks for you help. I just pray she can get some resolution to this soon.
on 9/1/10 9:38 pm
I really think this is an unfortunate and unecessary situation.... I really do hate that these docs won't see other patients...

She really should report Champion to the medical board... he has had his liscense suspended several times.... and this will not fare well as it shouldn't

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on 9/2/10 1:46 am
There is a practice of 2 surgeons at Piedmont Hospital.  Both of their names currently escape me.  Your friend may want to check them out.  I was under the impression they are willing to take other's patients.

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on 9/4/10 4:04 am - GA
With Dr Williams I signed that same contract but yet I had to pay an office visit charge last year when I went to see him for my annual visit. 
on 9/4/10 9:05 am - Eastman, GA
I think I would have had to remind them about that contract. A contract is suppose to be legal and binding and what they did was wrong. Unless it stated that you would be charged after a certain amount of time. According to my friend it stated she would be a lifetime patient with no charges for future office visits. I think someone needs to bring that to their attention. So glad I did not go with him. God knew what he was doing when he put Dr. Hart in my life.
on 9/6/10 11:38 am - Atlanta, GA

Go to a regular surgeon at this point.  Dr. Garcha out of St. Jo's is one of the best.  Other idea is to go to her internist and get a referral for a general surgeon.  My best friend is a doc of at St. Jo's and she says that they have to fix "problems"  all the time. 

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