Post-Bypass Birth Control

on 8/4/10 4:38 pm - Miami, FL
I'm waiting my final insurance approval for RNY gastric bypass, but in the meantime, I'm concerned about the things I've been reading about birth control following gastric bypass.

My husband and I have no children now, but would like to in the fairly near future (18 mos-ish) - that's one of my biggest motivators in having surgery. I'm early 30's so age is becoming a concern, but not the biggest concern yet.

Does anyone have any great suggestions that worked for them? I really don't want to start with pills and have be either ineffective or have long term effects on fertility when we are ready.
on 8/5/10 6:21 am - Atlanta , GA
I can tell you that there are some that work better than others because some have weight restrictions.  I would talk to your OB about some of the weight restrictions of some of them.  I do know that the Nuva Ring was one of the better forms I used except for the fact that I get vaginal infections pretty easily.  So I had to go back to pills.  The patch isn't very effective.  Definitely talk to your OB and see what might work best for you.  You just need to be consistant in taking them too.
RNY 5-12-04 Done at St Vincents Hospital in Carmel Indiana by Dr Margaret Inman.

 Would I do it again?  IN A HEARTBEAT!!  Best gift I ever gave myself.
Stacy T
on 8/10/10 3:18 am - Buffalo, NY
 Hi, I'm Stacy, and recently moved from Atlanta to NY (to explain why it looks like I'm "trolling" the GA board). :)

I talked to my OBGYN about BC after my surgery.  I was on the pill for years, but have no desire to have kids anytime soon and worried about how effective the pill is with malabsorption after surgery.  She suggested an IUD, which I had done last October.  They're good for several years, but fertility is not affected long term from what I understand, so you should be ok getting pregnant when you're ready not long after you have it removed.  I thought I wasn't a candidate for an IUD since I've never had children, but my doctor said that wasn't an issue.  I got the Mirena, which I think is the one with hormones, rather than the copper one, because of my menstrual history.

Definitely do some research (which you said you've already started), and talk to your doctor.

Across the United States, in 2006, twice as many people died from lack of health insurance as died from homicide.

"This is my one and only life, and it's a great and terrible and short and endless thing, and none of us come out of it alive."

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