Jeannie A.
on 7/28/10 9:13 pm - Stockbridge, GA
I have some QUESTIONS?



3. HAS YOUR SURGERON BEEN HELPFUL IN HELPING YOU? ( I mean as far has you knowing that if you have any questions or need help because you have done something that you do not understand.)

4. HOW MUCH AS YOUR LIFE CHANGED SINCE YOUR SURGERY? ( this is only if you have had surgery.)

The reason I ask these questions is because since my surgery 4 years ago my life has really changed and I love all the things that I'm able to do today. I'm finally able to do all the things that I could only dream about doing, WALKING, RUNING, RIDING A BIKE, REALLY ENJOY BEING OUTSIDE IN THE SUN. See before my surgery I was not able to handle much HEAT and today knowing that it can be HOT at times I really enjoy the outside.

I hope that these questions along with some of the answers that will be posted will help each and everyone. THANKS!

Jeannie Armstrong   
OH Support Group Leader
RNY 07/27/06 
sw358/ cw 175/ qw 175 to 160

I have been blessed with God's Help!

For those in GEORGIA come and join us at PEDMONT HENRY MEDICAL CENTER in the EDUCATIONAL BUILDING in Foundation Board room the 4th TUESDAY of each month at 6:30pm.,0/page,1/#my_groups_main:1
Jeannie A.
on 7/28/10 9:23 pm - Stockbridge, GA

This has been a place to where I'm able to come and have support and get answers to things that I have. Even just to be able to talk about how I might feel on any given day.


At first I did, but as my weight started coming off and I started feeling like new. I became a new person but it took a few months for me to get my engery back.

3. HAS YOUR SURGERON BEEN HELPFUL IN HELPING YOU? ( I mean as far has you knowing that if you have any questions or need help because you have done something that you do not understand.)

YES! my surgeron has been wonderful, I have not been able to see him in a few years but I still fax my labs over to him and if I have questions I know that he and the staff are there to HELP.

4. HOW MUCH AS YOUR LIFE CHANGED SINCE YOUR SURGERY? ( this is only if you have had surgery.)

My life has really changed! Before my surgery I was unable to move or do a lot of things. It took a couple of months but once the weight started coming off and I was feeling better. I was finally able to enjoy my life.
Jeannie Armstrong   
OH Support Group Leader
RNY 07/27/06 
sw358/ cw 175/ qw 175 to 160

I have been blessed with God's Help!

For those in GEORGIA come and join us at PEDMONT HENRY MEDICAL CENTER in the EDUCATIONAL BUILDING in Foundation Board room the 4th TUESDAY of each month at 6:30pm.,0/page,1/#my_groups_main:1
on 7/29/10 1:49 am
Hi Jeannie,
Here are my answers:
1.  OH is my support.  My surgeon's office is 4 hours away so I can't make it to their support meetings.  I really rely on the help I get on the LW board, RNY board and Georgia board.

2.  None  since immediately after surgery coming out from being put to sleep.  I don't do well being put to sleep.  I have not had the first problem from the surgery.  My only issues have been caused by me - eating too fast.

3.  My surgeon and his staff have been wonderful.  If I call, they respond timely. At my appointments I get his full attention and he will talk with me until all my questions are answered.

4.  It is an entirely new life!!  I can now play with my grandchildren instead of watching them play.  Like you I can go outside now - I am actually colder now than I have ever been - my DH is liking that part of it.  I always froze him with the AC.  I used to eat out almost every meal.  I now actually enjoy cooking and very rarely eat out.

MIlestone this morning was that I have now lost 100 pounds and I have not weighed this since I was pregnant with my daughter 32 years ago!!


14.5 lost pre-surgery  5'1 1/2"                                      LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
Jeannie A.
on 7/29/10 12:09 pm - Stockbridge, GA
WOW! Linda, You have done so well. I know that your SUCCESS and your answers to my question will help so many other.

As far as being cooler it is nice in the summer months. But it is the WINTER months that I have a problem with. I run extra heat in a room where honey is not at so I do not burn him out.

Jeannie Armstrong   
OH Support Group Leader
RNY 07/27/06 
sw358/ cw 175/ qw 175 to 160

I have been blessed with God's Help!

For those in GEORGIA come and join us at PEDMONT HENRY MEDICAL CENTER in the EDUCATIONAL BUILDING in Foundation Board room the 4th TUESDAY of each month at 6:30pm.,0/page,1/#my_groups_main:1
on 8/1/10 2:09 am - Atlanta , GA
1. WHAT HAS OBESITY HELP MEANT TO YOU?  It has become the place I can go where others know and feel the exact same things I do.  It is like my family away from my family.

2. HAVE YOU HAD ANY THOUGHTS OF WISHING YOU HAD NOT HAD ANY TYPE OF WLS? AND WHY?   Never.  I am happy I had it and tell people about it all the time.  I encourage friends, family, and other people I meet that might be having weight issues to look into it.  If they are willing to do what it takes and change their life, I wholeheartedly support them.

3. HAS YOUR SURGERON BEEN HELPFUL IN HELPING YOU? ( I mean as far has you knowing that if you have any questions or need help because you have done something that you do not understand.)  My surgeon in Indiana was fabulous.  She was always there when I needed her and still to this day, I can call her and talk to her nurse and they are very helpful, even if it is only over the phoneline.  The surgeon that has taken me on here hasn't had much opportunity other than fixing my hernias, though that has been a huge challenge for me.

4. HOW MUCH AS YOUR LIFE CHANGED SINCE YOUR SURGERY? ( this is only if you have had surgery.) 
I have become more aware of nutrition and health and am constantly looking for better, tastier, healthier ways to eat and cook.  I also have become more consious of exercise and keeping my family healthy as well.  I don't want them to go through the dark time of obesity that I went through.

In addition to all of these questions I just wanted to say that it has made me appreciate food in a way that I have never before.  I don't look at food as a pleasure anymore.  It is strictly for energy and health and in the process doesn't hurt to taste good.  I am also very happy to share and help others when they are looking for this same feeling in their lives.
RNY 5-12-04 Done at St Vincents Hospital in Carmel Indiana by Dr Margaret Inman.

 Would I do it again?  IN A HEARTBEAT!!  Best gift I ever gave myself.
Jeannie A.
on 8/2/10 10:42 am - Stockbridge, GA
I want to say thank you for your answers. I posted these in hopes that others would read and get wonderful information.

Thank you!
Jeannie Armstrong   
OH Support Group Leader
RNY 07/27/06 
sw358/ cw 175/ qw 175 to 160

I have been blessed with God's Help!

For those in GEORGIA come and join us at PEDMONT HENRY MEDICAL CENTER in the EDUCATIONAL BUILDING in Foundation Board room the 4th TUESDAY of each month at 6:30pm.,0/page,1/#my_groups_main:1
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