6 month weight loss plan prior to approval...

on 7/19/10 9:09 am

Has anyone ever GAINED during their 6 month weight loss plan??  Went for my first month weigh in with PCP - ok - went back a month later for 2nd month weigh in - gained 15 pounds!!!!  Has this happened to anyone else??  I haven't changed my eating habits, but I did quit nursing my baby during this time...

What happens if you can't loose weight??

Any suggestions for the weight loss plan??

Please help!

on 7/19/10 10:19 am, edited 7/19/10 10:25 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA

                            Weight_-cartoon_scale.gif Liar! image by mrsrebgui    


Yes, others have gained weight during the 6 month diets. Some people have even gained on purpose to qualify under a particular bmi requirement. However, it is not advisable to do so.

Though,  your insurance comapny will not deny your surgery if you gain a few pounds, you are putting yourself  at a greater risk for a complicated procedure.  When you gain weight, especially rapidly, your liver becomes fatty.  Google fatty liver for pics and more info. Your surgeon will need to lift your liver to get to your stomach.  A larger liver will make this more challenging. Plus, the more fat on your abdomen the more mass he will have to maneuver through to get to your internal organs.  

Larger patients are a higher risk for complications including blood clots, pneumonia, cardiac arrest during surgery, and even death.

Also,  consider your cardiovascular health. Getting your heart strong will make the stress of being under anesthesia less of a strain on you. You will also have stronger lungs and will have less risk of developing pneumonia post-op. Consider starting some type exercise routine, even if it's just pushing the baby around the neighborhood in the stroller.  If you are super obese, water exercise or a chair exercise routine may be more comfy for you.  

Having said that, your insurance may grant approval, but your surgeon CAN deny your surgery if he feels your weight gain puts you at greater risk for surgical complications.   He may also be concerned that you may need additional counselling to deal with your pre-op overeating.  The healthy habits you are working on now during the 6 month diet, will help you be a more successful post-op. 

Another plus of losing pre-op is the recovery will be easier.  It will be easier to get 250 pounds out of the hospital bed for that 1st walk than 300, right?

I know this 6 months is one of the hardest parts of the process.  You are trying to develop healthy habits, but you don't have the tool of a smaller tummy and better appetite control to help you.  Not to mention the fact that the stress of navigating the paperwork and insurance process adds to your tendencies to want to to binge eat. 

If you can get through these next few months and your 1st month post-op you can do anything! When you are having a diet challenge, picture yourself chasing that new baby around the park, or even better sitting on a playground swing with the baby in your lap (yes, you'll have a lap with less tummy that won't get in the baby's way) lol.  And,  you won't be paranoid about breaking the swing or having those creases on the back of your hips from being smushed into the seat. 

I can personally attest to it being a challenge, but if I can do it I know you can too.  I even had food nightmares pre-op! But, even I was able to stick to a low carb diet after I was approved.  I also made myself exercise at 330 pounds. I spent lots of that exercise time literally crying real tears as I tried to walk around the park because it hurt my feet, legs and back so badly.  And this while senior citizens whizzed by me!!! 

If your bmi is not borderline for your wls approval, I highly recommend you make a sincere effort to lose or at least maintain your current weight.  

Don't beat yourself up if you've slipped up and gained a few ponds. God gives us new mercies every day. Likewise, you should forgive yourself and start over NOW. 

                                                horizon.gif God's mercies are new every morning image by TerrificTeacher_2008
on 7/19/10 1:30 pm - Powder Springs, GA
Thank you for this...I really needed to hear this too!
on 7/20/10 4:04 am
My BMI was borderline at the beginning of the 6 mo supervised dieting.  I was worried about losing below 40 BMI - - - - -but turns out I "unintentionally" gained a few (4-5 pounds) during the 6 month period.  I did not have any problems getting approved by insurance.  I agree with Lashelle, it would be best to take the opportunity to begin losing and show that you can comply with monitored dieting.  This is the "pot calling the kettle black", though, because I did not make the effort.  My surgery is in 2.5 weeks.
HW 251/SW 239/CW 183/GW 150  height= 5'5"
on 7/24/10 7:33 pm
 My doctor told me not to gain more weight than what i originally weighed when I met him.  I had went up and down in the six months.  Two weeks before I met with him for my surgery, I was put on a low carb diet and dropped 10 lbs. so I was less than what i weighed from the first visit.  Some doctors will not perform the surgery if you gain.  i would ask the surgeon.

 "'I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I'm out of control and at times I'm hard to handle...but if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."-- Marilyn Monroe

on 7/26/10 10:23 am
Hi!  Well, today I had my third visit with my pcp just to "weigh in" and I lost 6 pounds since last month.  So it's coming back down.  Hopefully more will come off this month.  So now I'm just waiting and waiting.  I've been told by my insurance co to not contact a surgeon just yet - usually 2-3 months prior to ending six month pre-approval.... When did each of you contact yours?  I know once I contact the surgeon, I'll have to make visits to the psyc. and nutrionist - but they said some surgeons prefer you see certain ones...  Any help??  Also, I'm kinda still uncertain which surgery I want.  I think it's between the RNY and the sleeve?  What about the DS?  How did each of you choose??
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