Unexpected Wow

on 6/29/10 1:06 pm
Today I went to an audiologists to address the severe ringing, well, really high pitched squeal, in my ears. This young doctor performed all the tests and sat me down to explain the results.  He started to talk about age related hearing problems and then he said "but you don't have to worry about that, you're not even 40 yet"

Now, since losing 95 pounds, I feel like I look older because of the loose skin, so you could have knocked me down with a feather when he said that.

I leaned forward and  in my best Southern Lady voice said, "Sweetie, I'm 50 years old."

He looked intently at my face, neck and down to my hands as though searching for signs of validation and then stuttered, "I don't believe that, are you sure?"

Yep, pretty sure. LOL


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