Surgery Blessings for Sunshine16 June 30, 2010

Please Join in Sending up Prayers
DS Surgery
June 30, 2010
Dr. Dennis Smith
I pray you have a safe and complication free surgery and recovery. You are in great hands with Dr. Smith! He is among the best DS surgeons in the country. I know you are well prepared for your surgery, and I could sense a peace and confidence in you Saturday that is admirable.
I pray God will guide the hands of Dr. Smith, his surgery team, and the hospital staff that will care for you this week.
If you need anything please do not hesitate to call on one of your Switch Sisters. We are all here to go through this with you.
There may be times in the future where you will feel pain, sadness, confusion, and hopelessness. You may even question why you did this to yourself, but know God will never give you more than you can handle.
Many, Many Blessings,
Your Switch Sister

THank you LaShelle,
Today I am doing well! I am so glad to be out the hospital, because I actually feel like I'm healing better at home. They had all those freaking tubes in me, and my stomach was already tender, however everything is groovy. I'm trying to get my liquids in so I wont get dehydrated. Surgery was Wednesday and I arrived home yesterday, Friday. I so appreciate all the prayers, because this was probably one of the biggest decisions I have ever made in my life, and the most scariest. For the time being I'm going to just take it easy, and practice on getting my needed nutrition.
THanks for all the love,
Today I am doing well! I am so glad to be out the hospital, because I actually feel like I'm healing better at home. They had all those freaking tubes in me, and my stomach was already tender, however everything is groovy. I'm trying to get my liquids in so I wont get dehydrated. Surgery was Wednesday and I arrived home yesterday, Friday. I so appreciate all the prayers, because this was probably one of the biggest decisions I have ever made in my life, and the most scariest. For the time being I'm going to just take it easy, and practice on getting my needed nutrition.
THanks for all the love,