upcoming lap-band

on 6/21/10 6:54 am - Atlanta, GA
We are genuinely concerned for you and seriously trying to help you and make you COMPLETELY AWARE of your options. 

Your BMI is TOO HIGH to be having the LAPBAND.  If you simply do a few hours of research on this board and the internet in general, you will find all sorts of horror stories and the truth about the failure of the lapband.  We see almost weekly several people who are having revisions from the lapband to one of the other weight loss surgeries.

Your surgeon is recommending it because it is the only thing he does and it is a big money maker for him.  It requires the least amount of training for him and he can crank out several in a week.  But make no mistake, it may NOT be the best thing for YOU.

You will have to have fills that may or may not be covered by your insurance. You WILL have to diet to lose weight in addition to the restriction the band will give you.  You CAN cheat the band with slider foods.  You WILL have a foreign object in your body.  And that is just a sample of the issues that come with the lapband. 

Do Your Homework before you have this surgery and if you do and you still want this surgery, then you will be well informed, know the facts and have no regrets.

There are 3 other surgeries which are a far cry better than the lapband.

DS - Duodenal Switch
VSG - Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy
RNY - Roux En Y

They are all on this board with detailed explanations.  Some folks are more invested than others in their particular surgery but if you read the FACTS and analyze your lifestyle and be honest with yourself and how you want to live your life, there is one that is perfect for you.

I suggest you spend the next few days reading and find a better surgeon.  Trust me, it will be the best thing you ever did.


Starting weight & height: 265/5' 8.5; Goal weight: 160; Current weight: 155

on 6/21/10 11:22 am
Your Dr should have given you strict instructions on what to do Prue surgery.

I normally would not comment on any ones choice of surgery, BUT you do need to do more research on the lap band.  I do not think this is right for you and hate to see you disappointed.  I went into this with the intention of having the band, but after researching my options, I changed to the the bypass.  I am 2 years out on Thur say and I am at goal.  Actually 12 lbs under what I set for my goal

DO some more research..especially on the boards that have been mentioned. 

IF there is a medical reason for only having the band  go for it...but if it is your Dr's recommendation only because that is the only surgery he does.   Check other options..

The GREATEST POWER we have is the power to FORGIVE.  Use your power daily......

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