Hugh Houston, M.D.

on 4/30/10 12:17 pm - ROCKMART, GA
Ok Dr. Hugh Houston, in the running has a surgeon for DS.  My only problem is that he is out of state.  I was wondering how everyone experience was with this Dr.  Please tell me the good, the bad, problems if you had any.  Let me know if you was a out of state patient.
Rockmart Georgia                        
HW: 315 CW: 117 GW:  First goal 150 met 3/23/2012, Second goal 135
on 5/3/10 3:54 am - Atlanta, GA

Lots of people on OH have used him.  I am planning to use him the summer.  I have already started working with the hospital and the experience has been great.

Sorry I can not be of more help...Hopefully when i am on "The Other Side"  I can tell you more
Fascinated One
on 5/3/10 4:39 am - Atlanta, GA
I met Dr. Houston last week for my consultation and he will be doing my surgery in August. I'm not sure what type of surgery you are having, but I asked about him on the DS board a couple months ago and got positive feedback. He seems like he knows his stuff and cares about his patients. I live in Austell, by the way, and it's a 3.5 hour drive.

The good: He does not charge a program fee.

The bad (at least for me): He only does one DS per week and there were 12 others ahead of me.

Here is a link to some reviews from OH members:
START 318 | CW 179 | GW 165 | --- Updated Feb 3, 2012 (-139) 
Have you researched all of your options?
Duodenal Switch--Check it out at and
on 5/3/10 7:34 am - Atlanta, GA
one per week.. that stinks... that means i may be waiting til the winter!!!  i gotta ask lashelle and Izzy about howfirm he is about that.
Fascinated One
on 5/3/10 8:16 am - Atlanta, GA
Hey Denise,

Dr. Houston does all four types of WL surgery, but the DS only on Tuesday's---that's what I was told. And he's on vacation part of July because of the holiday. Holly had a pile of patient folders on her desk waiting for appointments, too. But who knows, you may get lucky.
START 318 | CW 179 | GW 165 | --- Updated Feb 3, 2012 (-139) 
Have you researched all of your options?
Duodenal Switch--Check it out at and
on 5/3/10 12:26 pm - ROCKMART, GA
Thanks for the info.  Is everyone doing all pre opt in Georgia.  I know I want to have DS surgery which will be great.  What sucks is that I can not even see him till first of the year when I get to switch to a HRA plan.  Hopefully October will hurry up and get her so I can do open enrollment.
Rockmart Georgia                        
HW: 315 CW: 117 GW:  First goal 150 met 3/23/2012, Second goal 135
on 5/19/10 8:16 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA

you already know Dr. H has my vote of confidence. Having gone through this surgery, I think I would choose him over any of the DS surgeons in GA even considering that I had to drive the 4 hours for my DS.  I just think overall, he's a better surgeon.  

I found Dr. H and his staff very easy to work with and they were very accommodating by trying to bundle visits for me into 1 day, since I was traveling from GA.
The paperwork process was super fast and there was no drama!  I had already been approved and I didn't even know they had sent in the papers to Cigna. I called about something totally off topic and asked when they would send it into Cigna and Holly was like, oh we already did that and you've already been approved!  That's just how fast they were.

You should also be able to do most all your pre-op testing in GA, which would require less travel to Nashville. You should only have to go to Nashville 1-2 times before the surgery.

Centennial Medical Center is top notch, clean, modern, and the care from the nurses was remarkable.

Dr. H was very attentive and listened to my concerns about the DS. He made sure I was knowledgeable about the DS, and that I was doing it for the right reason.  Make sure you do your research before you go see him. He will grill you about the DS before he gives you the ok.  He was also able to customize my bougie size and common channel length to match my desires.  Some DS surgeons just go by a standard, and you don't have much of a say so.  It's vitally important you do your research, and you go into your surgery consults equipped with knowledge to work with the surgeon to make sure they are doing what you need for your body.

Dr H and his staff are young, vibrant, and full of energy.  This may seem like a quirky trait to mention, but going to visit them is actually kinda fun.  Plus,  I know he's not gonna retire any time soon, so he'll be around a long to take care of me.  He is not one of those stuffy old fuddy duddy surgeons.  But, he will get on your case if you're not compliant and not taking your vitamins, protein, and water, so as amicable as he is, he is a serious DS surgeon. 

There are resources to help you if you are traveling out of state for surgery,   and we have a growing family of Dr. H patients in GA, so a carpool buddy is always an option.

I have NEVER heard anything bad about Dr. H or his staff and that means  a lot. You can't say the same for many other wls surgeons.

If you call him, he either answers his cell phone right awy or calls you right back. You don't have to go through an answerign service and a secretery all that crap.  HE even called Izzy at 3 am when she was having some issues and was visiting the local ER just to see why she hadn't called him back!   From my experience, he seems to genuinely care about me, and he cares about his work. He does not seem to be in this just for the money, and he is not running a surgery mill.

Plus he has pretty,  mesmerizing,  blue eyes and a great smile. Now that's what a girl wants to see last before they put you under anesthesia ;-)    He's definitely easy on the eyes.

I am going to visit Dr. H in July for my 1 year and Rita and Izzy are going next month. You can come with me if you want to do a tour of the hospital and I can introduce you to Dr. H.   I can also show you the hotel where I stay for free through Hospitality House when I visit Nashville to see Dr. H. 

I had consults with 5 wls surgeons before choosing Dr. H. including Dr. Donald Maynard, Dr. Dennis Smith, Dr. David Voellinger, Dr. Titus Duncan, and Dr. Larry Hobson.  It seems like a attended a zillion seminars and support groups. I scoured the web for info on wls and DS.  I checked out EVERY wls book GA Pines Library system had in the system.  I hope you'll do the same.  Even if a surgeon does not do DS or is not covered by your insurance, go to their seminar. You'll learn something from each one of them.   You will also get a good comparison of office staffs, how different offices pre-insurance certification processes work, how the program fees $$$ differ.   The more you learn about wls the better you'll be by your surgery date. You will know for sure you are doing the right thing and you will know for sure which surgery is right for you.   I think I learned so much about wls and DS, I could laid down and operated on my self!

You may consider cross-posting this to the TN  and DS forum for more info. 

               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

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