on 4/29/10 11:28 pm
Good Morning LC'ers!
As you know I've been away the last few days dealing with my medical tests..thankfully those are over with and I'm able to concentrate on other things again!

I want to talk a little today about setbacks.
When we're under stress, or going through difficult times, it's very easy to revert back to our old ways and use food as our comfort.
I was an emotional eater for years, no doubt about it!
Any signs of stress, or anxiety would send me straight to the kitchen looking for something to calm me..and that something was always filled with sugar.
I would sit and mindlessly eat cookies, candy, pastries..just about anything that was high sugar/carb...it would immediately relax my mind and I would feel "numbed out"...that's how I dealt with emotions of all kinds for years.
The chemistry behind emotional eating is pretty simple:
Sugar in = insulin spike = change in seratonin levels in the brain.
Of course, a few hours later, as soon as my insulin took a dip..I would need another hit of sugar, and then another..and even though I was physically full,  the need to consume more sugar was overwhelming..this type of scenario could repeat itself several times in one day..it's what I refer to now as a "binge"...and I've had way too many of them in my lifetime.

This past week has been very stressful for me..I was worried about the prep..worried about waking up from the anesthesia (propofol), I was worried (and still am) about the outcome of the endoscopies and having to wait for results from the biopsies.
On top of this I was required to add wheat germ oil to my diet for 2-3 days so they would be able to accurately diagnose Celiac's..I was warned this might cause me to retain fluids..and it did!
I weighed 145 on Tuesday morning, (down a pound since last week)..and by Wednesday morning I was 148!
In my head I knew this was a temporary gain..but seeing that number go up on the scale was disheartening.
Wednesday I was on clear liquids all day to do the prep for my procedure, and even with the addition of the wheat germ oil..I consumed less than 150 calories..all I had was SFJello, tea with splenda, and water..
On Thurday morning I was 152!! That was a very hard number to see!!
Over 150 again..I was devestated.
Yes, I know it's fluid retention..and yes I was told it would happen..I know I hadn't eaten anything I shouldn't have..in fact I hadn't eaten much of anything at all..but it felt like huge setback anyway.
Of course they pumped a bag of saline into my veins for the procedure yesterday..and today I was 153.
This is killing me, I'm not gonna lie.
Yesterday I could resume my normal diet..I stayed low carb and around 800 calories..I drank a ton of water and had hoped for a loss today..
Didn't happen.
Am I discouraged?  Yes.
Am I freaking out a little? Definitely!
Am I going to react by letting the emotional eater in me take over and whisper in my ear that "it's all pointless anyway".."I'm always gonna be fat".. and I should just go ahead and eat sweets so I can at least feel a little better.
NO, that I will not do.
I'm gonna say straight out..I was tempted..I'm stressed about my test results..and I'm bummed about the 8 pound water weight gain..
I know my body and it's gonna take me 4 or 5 days to lose that fluid..even if I drink a gallon of water a day..I retain water like crazy and in my experience it always takes me awhile to lose it all..
Granted, if I stay on track, when all the fluid is gone I'll probably see an additional 1-2 pounds of actual weight loss..but in the meantime, I feel pretty lousy about it.

But not lousy enough to blow it like I have so many times before..

I won't allow "setbacks" to trigger my self sabotaging behaviors.
I have to stay on track, stay focused and keep my eye on the horizon..
This is new behavior for me..but being banded gives me a sense that I'm not alone, that now I have help.
After weighing today, I made myself a cup of decaf tea..sat down, took a few deep breaths..and got my mind focused.
Awhile later, I made myself an eggwhite omelette with fresh spinach and an oz. of swiss cheese.
I ate slowly, chewed carefully..and focused on the fact that I was on track.. making the right food choices, and by doing these things I could assure myself that this setback was temporary.
Today is the weigh in for my SATC/Memorial Day Challenge.
I'm going to weigh in on Monday morning.
That gives me a short term goal to focus on, as well as my long term Challenge goal.
I'm hoping to see a loss of 5 pounds by Monday morning..hopefully more!
But whatever number I see, I won't  allow myself to lose sight of the big picture..
I won't let setbacks affect me like they once did.
I have something wonderful to look forward to..my goal weight :)

If we hit a bump in the road, if we start to feel discouraged, whatever the reason may be...we have to pick our chins up off the ground, take a deep breath.... and a big step forward.
Have a good day.

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