on 4/27/10 1:36 am
Good Morning LC'ers!

I'm gonna get straight to the point today...
I am a 100% believer in low carb eating.
That should not come as a shock to anyone here! LOL
If I come on strong about low carb it's because I have a long history with it. Although I've only been banded 6 months, my experience with low carb goes back 11 years.

At my highest weight of 278 pounds in 1999, I was absolutely sure there was no way for me to ever lose weight. I had literally tried everything. I had just come off an 8 month stint on the fat free/low fat diet that was all the rage back then..
The fat free diet was the biggest crock of you know what ever sold to the American Public!!
I believe it was a major contributor to the Obesity Epidemic we are experiencing in this country.
We were sold a bill of goods that convinced us that eating foods that were stripped of fat would make us all thin and beautiful..
We were also told that eating these foods would save us from heart attacks, diabetes and high cholesterol...
Not only are we a fatter nation..we are more unhealthy than ever before.
Fat free and low fat products were everywhere. Let's take a look at those fat free "miracle foods" :
First, how did these foods get to be fat free?
One word. Processing.
Scientists processed the hell out of any food they could get their hands on and stripped all the natural fats out of them.
Now they were left with a pretty nasty tasting product..fat is what makes food palatable and tasty in many cases..with the fat taken out..we were left with something that probably tasted a lot like cardboard!
So the next step in the processing was to add some ingredients that would make the food taste better.
Enter: Sugar and Sodium.
Americans love their sweet and salty foods!
Now we could eat all we wanted of these foods because they were fat free and good for us!
I like to call this time in history,  the begining of the end for a whole lot of obese people.
And the start of obesity for many more.
We were eating cookies, crackers, cereals, breads, puddings, ice creams, chips, and a plethera of other foods that we were told would help us lose weight and get healthy because they were low calorie fat free.
No one told us these foods were loaded with sugar..and that sugar causes insulin reactions in our bodies that cause us to store fat at an alarming rate, and makes it absolutely impossible for our bodies to burn it off.
No one told us that all the sodium in these processed foods would cause a rise in Cardiovascular Disease..Why not??

Because we were being told that the fat in our food was the enemy, and that sugar and a product called high fructose corn syrup were our friends.

No one told us that a vast majority of morbidly obese people have issues with high sugar and high carbs..
No one told us we should cut the high sugar/high carb foods out of our diet and replace them with high protein foods like meats, chicken, fish and eggs..and that if we cut the fake, processed, packaged foods out of our diets and ate lots of fresh vegetables and natural dairy foods every day, we would be less hungry, feel more satisfied and we'd burn fat and lose weight at an amazing rate!
No one told us that when we take high sugar/carbs out of the equasion..the dietary fat in natural foods like meats, eggs and cheese does not adversely effect our cholesterol at all..in fact when the high sugar and carbs are restricted in our diets, there is a marked improvement in serum cholsterol, triglycerides, blood glucose, and blood pressure..lowering these numbers lessens our risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
No one told us any of these facts.
Wait, someone actually did.
The Atkins Lifestyle was created by Dr. Robert Atkins ( a Cardiologist) as a treatment for his high risk cardiac patients in the 1960's and 70's
He knew that it would lower their cholesterol and blood pressure and while he was monitoring their test results he noticed that all his patients were losing significant amounts of weight.
Thus, in 1972, the Atkins "Diet" was born..
Dr. Atkins was villified by the health community for nearly 30 years.
It wasn't until 2003 that independent studies confirmed what Dr. Atkins had been saying since the 1970"s..high sugar and high carbs are detrimental to our health..dietary fat from clean, wholesome unprocessed sources makes our bodies healthier, from the inside out.
Fat does not make you fat!
High sugar and high carb "fat free" foods made us fatter and more unhealthy  than we have ever been as a Nation.

Thank goodness I was told about Atkins in 1999..It changed my way of eating, my way of thinking, and it changed my life.
I went from 287 pounds to 128 pounds in 14 months.
I maintained that weight for 7 years..
In 2007..I let my emotional eating behaviors justify my allowing high sugar/carb foods back in my life..causing me to gain nearly 90 pounds over a 3 year period..During that time I felt totally out of control..my cravings and hunger were more than I could handle...
No matter what I did I could get motivated enough to get low carb again..even though I knew it was the only way I would be able to lose my regained weight and keep it off.
Enter my Band in 2009!
My band got me focused..I felt in control again..
I returned to a low carb lifestyle again...and the rest is history..
67 pounds gone in 6 months.
Could I have lost 67 pounds allowing myself sugar and carbs and relying solely on my band to lose my excess weight ?
Absolutely NOT.
Do I get tired of people downing low carb and saying how the band is all about learning to eat in "moderation" ?
You bet I do!
The band is all about US.
It's about US..each one of us.. losing weight
Are we really fooling anyone other than ourselves with all the psycho-babble of self acceptance blah blah blah..and we're all just doing this to be healthier...
Well, off course we want to be healthy!
We would have to be morons not to want better health!
The operative words being weight loss.
That's what it is.
Granted..some had co-morbidities that would be improved with weight loss.. and it's something they needed to do to save their lives..
Some of us were pretty healthy considering we were obese..
I'm one of the lucky ones..good blood pressure, no diabetes..no high cardiac risks.
News Flash: I had WLS because I wanted to LOSE WEIGHT!
I cannot understand why anyone that went into this with the primary objective of losing their excess weight would want to take the long and winding road to their weight loss goal!
Eating in moderation for sugar/carb sensitive people like me is NOT an option if I want to lose weight.
And I know I'm not alone.
As banders, we are told protein, protein, protein first, then vegetables..
Hello folks!! That's low carb!
Been in a plateau?? Do the Plateu Buster Diet or the 5 Day Pouch test..Hello?? Also Low carb!!
I do this thread every day and I reply to the posts of frustrated banders that feel like they're spinning their wheels, gaining or stalled and feeling like they're going nowhere fast ..I do this because I really feel I can help them!
I'm not going to stop offering my help.
I've never told anyone to override their Dr.s recommendations..
I've never told anyone that doesn't have sugar/carb sensitivity to adapt to a low carb lifestyle..
Those lucky stiffs may not need to!!
If you are sugar/carb sensitive..if you see a pattern of sugar addiction in your life..if you feel you're eating is out of control after you consume high sugar/high carb foods..
I am absolutely advocating you try a Low Carb Lifestyle.
There, I said it!
On a personal note..I wish I could get back the years I wasted being miserable about my weight, the years I felt like like a weak, disgusting failure that just couldn't stop eating...
I wish I could turn back the clock and get back all they years I missed running around playing with my kids when they were little because I was too fat to keep up.
I wish I could get back the years I stayed in an unhappy marriage because I was convinced it was the best a 280 pound woman could hope for.
I can't get those years back..but I can make damn sure I don't waste anymore years waiting for life to "happen"
I want this weight off! I want to be at my goal weight.
I want to live the lifestyle that will assure me a longer, healthier life.
I want to live that life in a thin, attractive body.
I earned it.
And so did all of you.
Get serious with low carb..make yourself a priority..don't let food control you anymore.
I am empowered everytime I walk away from a high sugar/high carb temptation.
I don't feel deprived!
I hope if you're reading this and you see yourself and your life in the words here, you will take that step and committ to doing what's right for YOU.
Have a good day.

For Low Carb Recipes:


on 4/27/10 2:35 am - GA
I know u . you own a hair salon in clayton co. dont you?

                                                     ATL STAND UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      SEIZE THE MOMENT!!  LIGHTS , CAMERA , ACTION
                                                     125 TOTAL LOST

on 4/27/10 2:41 am
No..sorry, not me!

For Low Carb Recipes:


on 4/27/10 5:10 am - Smyrna, GA
VSG on 12/29/09 with
I have to say that I totally agree with you.  I am a total carbaholic.  I am also diabetic.  My doctor put me on the liquid protein diet for a month before my surgery.  After the first week, I felt so much better and had so much more energy because I wasn't eating carbs and sugar. 
My brother has been doing the Atkins diet for a couple of years now and has gotten to goal weight and maintained.  He says he occasionally gives himself a treat but goes right back to the Atkins.  I have to say that that is not possible for me.  When I have sugar,  I get the highs then the lows.  My blood sugar spikes and then it bottoms out.  That is a really nasty feeling.  And before I started the liquid protein diet, I didn't even realize that the sugar was what made me feel so bad all the time.
I can't say I'm 100% compliant with no carb, no sugar.  I am still a work in progress.  Thanks for the post--I think it will help me to stay on track.
on 4/27/10 6:11 am
You're very welcome!

For Low Carb Recipes:


on 4/27/10 7:32 am

So I know your saying the lower the carb the better, but  what amont  of carbs would you say
would be a great wt loss number.?   30 ?       thanks 
on 4/27/10 7:41 am
I stay on Phase One of Atkins Low Carb until I reach my goal weight..
Phase One is under 20 grams of carbs a day..
All my carbs come from low starch vegetables and some natural cheeses.
Here's the link to the Atkins website if you want to gaet all the info..


For Low Carb Recipes:


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