Dr. Donald A Maynard,. , MD

on 4/23/10 10:13 am - ROCKMART, GA
OK I am researching Dr. Maynard have anyone used him as their surgeon  for DS weight loss surgery. Please tell me about your experience.  I also need to know if he accept SHBP.  I replies and feedback is appreciated
Rockmart Georgia                        
HW: 315 CW: 117 GW:  First goal 150 met 3/23/2012, Second goal 135
on 4/23/10 12:47 pm - Atlanta, GA

As I replied to your earlier post, Dr. Maynard is my surgeon.  I too saw no reason to go out of state.  I too initially wanted to go with Dr. Smith but he was not covered by my insurance or any insurance offered by the US govt. at the time.

So I called Dr. Maynard's office.  His staff are warm and very responsive. They verified my insurance before my consult with him. I had my consult with him and I was armed with many, many questions which he gladly took lots of time and answered. I also attended his support group meeting that evening,  I also questioned one of his 3 year patients at length in the waiting room before my appointment.  I was able to talk to several patients at the support group meeting.

I was very satisfied with his level of expertise. He has performed about 100 DS sugeries so far and he has no mortalities and an extremely low complication rate.  His patients love him and I was very comfortable with that. He was very attentive at the hospital and he saw me every day.  I had an issue with a pre-existing condition which caused me to have an additional exploratory surgery and be in the hospital an extra 3 days but he was on top of everything. 

I am just over 2 months post-op now and I am doing great.  No problems to speak of.  I am losing steadily and have regained almost all of my strength and stamina. I can eat pretty much anything I want within reason and I work out 4 days a week. Life is great and it was the best decision I have ever made.


Starting weight & height: 265/5' 8.5; Goal weight: 160; Current weight: 155

on 4/23/10 12:58 pm - ROCKMART, GA
Thank you so much.  I have a question, Did you have to pay for a program?  Could I do all my pre surgery things in my area.  I just hope he excepts SHBP.  I will call his office on Monday.
Rockmart Georgia                        
HW: 315 CW: 117 GW:  First goal 150 met 3/23/2012, Second goal 135
Melissa Glass
on 4/24/10 1:09 am - Sugar Valley, GA
 I am neither for or against the DS, I chose the surgery that I felt was right for me. Though I am using Dr. Scott in Rome. He does NOT preform the DS. I chose him because I too have SHBP, and he is in my area. I have researched WLS and chose based on what I feel my body could handle and would benefit the other medical problems I have. I also researched other surgeons and based my choice not only on convenience but the choices given to me by my insurance. i hope this Helps.
on 4/23/10 1:02 pm - Atlanta, GA

There was no program fee.  I just had to pay my regular co-pays for the psych eval, nutritionist visits and physical therapist visits.  Now, Dr. Maynard does have a Nutritionist at Newton Medical Center that he prefers but considering that you live so far, he can probably refer you to someone closer.

 I'd be really surprised if they don't take your insurance.

Good luck and feel free to PM me if you have more questions.


Starting weight & height: 265/5' 8.5; Goal weight: 160; Current weight: 155

on 4/24/10 10:30 am - Lindale, GA
Hi Martina,

I live in Cedartown - we're practically neighbors!

Dr. Maynard performed my DS in Februrary and I have nothing but good to say about him, his staff and his program.

I kicked around the idea of weight loss surgery for about ten years; late last year at the urging of my endocrinologist I began pursuing the idea very seriously. I first visited with Dr. Scott in Rome, who I found to be congenial and professional, yet either uninformed or dishonest about the DS, which I had already determined to be the right surgery for me. I next looked to Dr. Smith, whose office is close to my office, but he was out of network with my insurance. I found Dr. Maynard on October 16 and determined he would be my surgeon that day.

Donna, his practice manager, made my three month program relatively painless and worry-free and got me approved by my insurance on the first try, My surgery was February 16 - there were some complications due to an ongoing problem I have had with an enlarged liver and my surgery took nearly nine hours. Dr. Maynard was there when I awoke and spent much more time with me in the hospital than I expected and communicated constantly with my wife.

Since surgery, my life has changed enormously for the better. I litterally was nearing death from my advanced diabetes and related complications - taking 8-12 shots of insulin a day, approachin 500 units. I now take 30 units a day in one shot. I am off of all medications for blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood triglycerides, liver disease, kidney disease, depression and arthritis and am approaching my 50 lb. weight loss mark.

I, as well as my family, believe that Dr. Maynard saved my life. It's really as simple as that. We will be forever grateful to him and look forward to telling potential patients about him.

I'd love the opportunity to talk to you about him in person - he has a support group meeting the third Thursday of every month that I would encourage you to attend. Why not give his office a call and schedule a consultation for that day and then go to the meeting that night? If you do decide, please let me know because I'de love to meet you there!

on 4/24/10 12:59 pm - ROCKMART, GA
Thanks for information.  What type of insurance do you have?  I have SHBP
Rockmart Georgia                        
HW: 315 CW: 117 GW:  First goal 150 met 3/23/2012, Second goal 135
on 4/24/10 1:34 pm - Lindale, GA
I had United HealthCare when I started the process, switched to Aetna in January.

There are a number of patients of Dr. Maynard's who work for the state - so I am assuming they are in the SHBP.
on 4/25/10 1:01 pm - ROCKMART, GA
Thank you everyone for all your help  I will continue to do research on this doctor and make sure I know all the good and the bad because we all have both
Rockmart Georgia                        
HW: 315 CW: 117 GW:  First goal 150 met 3/23/2012, Second goal 135
Melissa Glass
on 4/25/10 2:06 pm - Sugar Valley, GA
 Choosing a doctor is a personal choice. I am glad we all are here to support each other no matter which doctor we use or the surgery we chose. It just comes down to who you are comfortable with and who you chose to grant you a new healthy life. Just remember no matter who you chose YOU are the patient and you should be the one making decisions on what you feel comfortable with. You are in control. I hope it all works out for you, I am sure the gentleman who used Dr. Manynard can give you all the ins and outs on how he handled everything for the pre-op visits. Go to the doctors support group ask questions I am sure there are other SBHP that attend. You all your resources and don't be afraid to ask questions. I am excited for you. Good Luck.
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