Dr. Titus Duncan

on 4/22/10 5:05 am
Unfortunately if you have Medicaid I don't think you have many options. I think maybe that's why he has so many patients, because he is one of very few that take Medicaid.

Gee, defensive are we.. it was in my response to her quote... and sorry but apparently u didn't do your research or you wouldn't be with this surgeon.. who cares about his office staff... they aren't cutting you open...

Good luck

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com
on 4/22/10 7:40 am
 I had a friend that used him and she thought that he was great.  She's not on medicaid.  She works in corporate america and is actually a director of a large well-known company.   She only had good things to say about him.  

If you have done your research adn you feel safe with him, then good for you.  Go with what you feel.  CC, is there something that you know about him that you think people need to know.  I think you should share it so that they can make an informed decision.  
on 12/22/11 11:59 pm
Almost every woman in my family has used Dr. Duncan (5 of them) from as far back as 2004 and they're all doing wonderful and are looking AHHHHH-mazing. 

I don't know why women in my family has gained soooo much weight.  Culture (in terms of eating habits) and HORMONES is the best I could come up with.  I keep debating and debating it myself with Dr. Michael Williams out in Alpharetta but all of the others have used Dr. Duncan b/c he's closer.    I'm still leary.  I'm 245 and HATE IT!  I lose the weight and gain it alllll back + 10 lbs....It's getting on my last nerve too. Agh!!!  It's been a struggle for me to lose weight  AND KEEP IT OFF since I was 30 (I'm 40 now) and my concerns are hair loss/thinning and lose skin....(ick!).

Decisions, decisions.....good luck!
on 12/23/11 12:03 am
I Agree....I've been debating this process since 2008.  I still haven't made a decision yet.  (I SUPPOSE****ep telling myself...I can't do this without surgery.....I can do it.  

NOT with working 12-14 hrs sitting down at work and snacking at my desk b/c my job is demanding so I snack and eat carry out a lot.....Just wish I could get into 1 good 6 week bootcampt and then it's ON!!!

Pray for me people.....lol
on 5/10/10 6:38 am, edited 5/10/10 9:24 am - Riverdale, GA

Dr. Duncan is my surgeon and I am very pleased. Just because he has a lot of Medicaid patients, doesn't mean that he isn't an excellent surgeon. You definitely would not, in my opinion receive inferior health care. In the industry that I'm in, I've seen really bad service from some of the "elite" docs in the Atlanta area. Of course everyone is going to have differing opinions. I work in Corporate America so he doesn't just have Medicaid patients. My surgery was at a beautiful surgical center that Dr. Duncan runs in North Atlanta. Its important that you do your research. I researched for three years before actually deciding to have my surgery. In the end, it is your decision who to go with, I'm sure with more research, you may be able to find someone who suits you. I worked with Colleen in his office. She was very helpful and friendly as well as the other staff members I met.  When my clearances were going to expire, she was able to get me in without any problems. If I were you, I'd attend a seminar.  You can also see him on Fox 5 Atlanta on Thursday mornings. I can say that because he is well known in the area, it was harder to get scheduled to see him.  Just remember to do what is best for you. No matter who you select, I wish you all the best on your journey.

Take Care,

Pre Surgery Weight: 265 
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