Dr. Titus Duncan

on 5/19/10 9:09 am - lawrenceville, GA
Mimi  I do respect your opionion however al though there are  people who dont reccomend  him there are many who do, Dr. Duncan serves on the board for bariatric surgery and  the people who I have talked with, that don't reccomend him  the reasons were do to his office and  bedside manor . I have 4 friends and a co worker who all used him  and  they are all doing great . I have been researching for  over 7 yrs all over  the net  and through people ,  I am confident in his skill as a bariatric surgeon . There are very few surgeons who have done  as many bariatric surgeries  as he has and  he has been doing it along time. I appreciate anyones advice or opions  and I read them and  I make my own  thoughts on  them  but as you know we make our desicions based on  what we research and feel  and I see it like this I have done my homework  and I  have made my choice  and now I am and will be in the hands of God he  has the final say  and all I can do is pray that I made a confident, wide choice and I am one of the thousands  he has done that is successful !!!!
on 5/19/10 12:13 pm
 the people who I have talked with, that don't recommend him  the reasons were do to his office and  bedside manor

Having faith in your Dr is very important, and I would not tell anyone who to use.  I did my research and used the one that I felt was best for me.  IF you will check you will see that there are some that don't recommend him for reasons other than his office or bedside manner.  there are state web sites you can go to to check malpractice suits and such. 

Is Dr Duncan doing your actual surgery, have you ever met him?  Have you had an appointment with him or just been to one of his seminars.  I was under the impression that he now did plastic surgery not WLS????  Good luck in which ever Dr you choose.  

The GREATEST POWER we have is the power to FORGIVE.  Use your power daily......

on 5/19/10 1:43 pm - lawrenceville, GA
I know you are telling me what to do  just giving friendly advice and your opionion of what you know or have read :) its all good !! Yes I have been to his office and I have been to a seminar  and yes he does do plastic surgery as well , however that I will not be getting done by him ...lol Yes I am aware that a few other people have had other issues , that I know of . I like both Dr. Hobson an Dr. duncan as of right now Dr. Duncan is doing my surgery but as I told them I am ok with both dr's. I think Dr. Hobson has a more fans then duncan ...lol I will check out the webiste I did look up suites on Duncan and didnt find any but I will see what website you are talking about maybe there is a site I dont know about.
on 4/22/10 4:24 am
Wow, so your saying folks with medicaid should settle for inferior and dangerous health care...

You just have to find dr's who won't prey on medicaid patients.... tha't s just wrong. And as one woman to another it's only fair those foks know the truth

I did a search of my surgeon and if he had any lawsuits etc....... all public record and everyone should do like wise

And La Shelle for someone who blasted another surgeon, and quite publicly, not too long ago how can u talk to me that way. You really need to check yourself before you speak

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on 4/22/10 4:47 am - lawrenceville, GA
WOW i think all the negativity should be placed somewhere else this is the last place anyone wants to hear all that, no disrespect but there are thousands and thousands of  WLS patients that have used Dr, Duncan and Dr Hobson  and  alot of them are not medicaid patients. I  know several people that have had nothing but great experiences with him  and his office  a friend of did her surgery like 8 years ago did not have Medicaid  was 5'4 350 and is now 130 she  had not one complication at all .  WLS surgery is a risk for anyone some people may have complications some may not , just like anything else  wether it be Dr. Duncan or another surgeon no body can please everyone all  of the time. Why would he have been deemed one of the top surgeons in Atlanta if he was as bad you  you ladies are saying ? Like I said  no disrespect I respect you ladies opionion and I take all advice and wisdom into consideration and research everything  and I am happy with my descion  to go with  Dr. Duncans office. There are other ddoctors that take Medicaid as well , not too many but there are some I chose him  because I know alot of people who did use him  and I  liked what I found when I research  and up until this point the office has been great !! Everyone should do tehre own  in depth research of there surgeon of choice and a couple others and then  make the choice that is best for them no matter what anyone say , if you  do your research  an  know your making a  wise desicion  then I say follow yourself !
on 4/22/10 5:15 am, edited 4/22/10 5:15 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
CC why do you lurk the board for weeks, never offer any support or advice, never come out to the meet and greets to support the newbies... and come out of of wherever and always say something mean and negative????

Not gonna get into a surgery/surgeon discussion with you. Just stop being such a drama starter when you check in.  It's not atractive.

Honestly, I don't think you really care about the topic, probably just bored and want to entertain yourself...

As for people with Medicaid settling for inferior healthcare, that's just how the system works. The top doctors, dentists, surgeons don't bother with Medicaid because they don't get paid enough to be bothered. I don't blame them. If I wer a Dr. I wouldn't deal with Medicaid either.

A Hummer is safer and less inferior than a used Kia, but I don't think everyone who can only afford a used Kia shoud get out and walk becasue they can't afford a Hummer.

In life you get what you PAY for.  Medicaid is a form of welfare. You don't PAY for  anything and you don't GET anything worth writing home about.   Plus I think some doctors probably treat you worse when they see you have Medicaid.  Is it right or ethical? NO. But it's the reality of some people's lives.

Unfortunately a vast majarity of Medicaid and welfare recepients are under-educated and don't vote, and don't pay taxes (not all, but most). Thus, they don't have a voice in changing laws and policies.   So, this isn't ikely to change.

I really think our next civil rights movement in America will be a financial equality movement and not a racial movement this time... We've already seen some of it withthe healthcare reform bill (rolling my eyes...I don't agree with the bill... good intention Pres Obama, but the results suck...)

Being poor sucks, and I would definitely NOT want to be poor and seeking a life altering surgery. I don't envy anyone in that position.

               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

on 4/22/10 5:31 am
Look thy oneself into the mirror....

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on 4/22/10 6:41 am, edited 4/22/10 6:51 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
On April 22, 2010 at 12:31 PM Pacific Time, curiouscat7 wrote: Look thy oneself into the mirror....

CC Hey CC... I took your advice and looked in the mirror.   I was so damn cute and thin 

          I could
hardly recognize myself!!!

In fact  I was tempted to strip naked right in the office and run up and down the halls so everybody could admire me.  But, since the Sheriff's office is across the street, I decided against it.  I do have a strip tease scheduled promptly when my sweetie comes home from work tonight though.


Thanks for the inspiration.  I guess you are good fr something after all. Maybe we should keep you around a few more weeks.

Just stop being do dang bitter. Otherwise you'll get wrinkles. So NOT cute. 

on 4/23/10 2:28 am - Savannah, GA
Thanks for your input...I think

First and foremost I am educated, I am in the process of receiving my degree in special education, I worked for the state prior to receiving medicaid and if anyone did their homework you would know that the state employees are not eligible for that type of surgery, so since I was in school to receive my degree I decided to leave that position, now because I issued medicaid I knew that weight loss surgery was covered, so guess what...I applied for medicaid and was approved, so now I can have the surgery and once I receive my degree I will return to work, so my decision was not one of being on welfare or uneducated it was a smart one. Medicaid has helped alot of people that have been in situations were they weren't able to pay their bills or receive any type of help, so basically I'm saying don't be so quick to judge, you never know what's in your future.
on 4/24/10 5:16 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
Hey, I work with Medicaid recipients every day as  DFCS caseworker and I'm not trying to degrade Medicaid recipients. But reality is Medicaid recipients have less choices and do not get equal treatment from medical professionals as patients with private insurance.

For example, you have 1 or 2 surgeons you can choose from right? I had about 30 locally and countless other surgeons across the country.  I'm not claiming people with private insurance are better than those on welfare. Our situations are just different.

If you had private insurance and not Medicaid, you would have a wider range of choices, and would be more empowered to choose a surgeon based on you desires, and would not have to accept what Medicaid dictates to you they will pay for.

That's  just the reality of your situation for now.  You can't get a Prada bag on a Dollar General  budget.

As for the educational background of Medicaid recipients... I am aware Medicaid serves a diverse population of people including those that are well educated economically displaced professionals.  However,  a vast amount of welfare recipients are less educated than those that have private insurance.  Not all, but a disparaging majority.  A Google search will confirm that in a few seconds.

BTW state employees are now eligible for wls coverage through the HRA and High Deductible options. If it is possible for you to get your old job back, maybe this would open up more options for you.

As for Dr. Duncan, he would not be my top choice of a surgeon for a number of reasons, and I would not elect to have a surgical procedure performed at Atlanta Medical Center.  Graduating to being a post op wls patient, and meeting so many other wls patents on my journey has educated me on the qualities to really look for in a surgeon and hospital, and I do believe there are other options available that are more superior than what Dr. Duncan offers. However, if it were my only option to have wls I would suck it up and go for it.   You're probably gong to have an ok surgery; you just won't get any royal treatment.

BTW will be you be responsible for instructing grammar as a Special Education educator? I rarely comment about grammatical errors on on-line blogs, but having a B.S. Ed with a concentration in English myself, I can't help but be irked by a fellow future educator with poor grammar.  It's like nails across a chalkboard to me...  If you ever have a written assignment for school, e-mail it to me before you submit it. I am an excellent editor.  :-) Seriously, no sarcasm intended.

               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

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