Anyone in Albany Area - Special Angel Needed
She has servere neurological problems and is now wheelchair bound.
Her family is not educated about wls aftercare. Izzy and I have been in contact with her fam ily and her surgeon and we are trying to help her get vitamins, protein, etc, but we are limited because we are 3 hrs away. We do plan to make a trip down there to visit her as soon as possible, but can't go often.
Is anyone in the Albany area who could pay her a visit and act as an Angel to her?
WHY I CHOSE DS: No dumping. Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results, Won't regain weight! Eat normal sized meals, 96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured. I MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people. ~Orson Wells
I am about 30 miles north of Albany, but my DS lives about 10 minutes from there so I do go there some.
Do you know where she lives? PM me with info and I'll see what I can do.
What type of surgery did she have, because the doctors I know of in Albany only do lapband? Does she have a surgeon that knows about other WLS?
She had her surgery and never went back to the surgeon for any follow up appointments, not even to make sure her stitches had healed.
She never took any vitamins post op. She did not get in the required protein. She did not get in the required liquids. She expereinced vomiting and nausea, likely from the dehydration. Lethal combination!
( One thing I was not aware of until I experienced it myself ost-op, is if you get dehydrated, you will be nauseaus. So, even after becoming dehydrated, if you start to try to take in liquids, they are likely to cause you to vomit...ditto for any food you try to get down. So, once you're dehydrated, feeling like a wet noodle with no energy, and nauseaus, ....everything you drink or eat makes you feel even worse. The best way to get back normal after you have reached a certain point of dehydration is to get IV fluids. As much as you fight to do it on your own, your body will fight against you. Dehydration is not to be taken lightly post wls. If you are not getting in the right amount of water call your surgeon immediately, so he can eveluate you and see if you need to go to the emregency room for an IV.)
ok back to the story...
Myself and another OH member pleaded with her to go back to the surgeon for follow up and advised her she probably needed to be readmitted and administered protein intraveniously. She did not listen to us.

2 months out she devloped a condition known as Beriberi Syndrome which is a neurological disorder that can permenantly damage your nervous system. Google it to get more info on the condition.
While beriberi is rare under normal cir****tances, it is a potential risk for bariatric patients if you don't get in your vitamins, especially the B-comlex vitamins...b-1, b-6, b-12.
It is more rare even for a wls patient to develop beriberi at only 2 months post op, but I have been educated by a bariatric nurse it can occur as early as 1-2 months post op if you are vomiting a lot and especially with a malabsorbtive procedure like rny or DS combined with the vomiting.
Out of thousands of posts I've seen on OH, she is the 1st person I have heard of with beiberi, so it isn't something that I would let scare me away from wls if I were a pre-op. :-)
But, it does show us how important it is to get in our vitamins, protein, and water, so we can be healthy, responsible, wls patients!
WLS is a strong tool that can SAVE your life if you act responsibly, or it can TAKE your life away if you do not.
*** If you are a post op and you are struggling to get in your nutrients and vitamins, experiencing vomiting, or experiencing post-op depression, PLEASE reach out to someone for help! There are people on OH and your local support groups that will help you get through this. We have all been there, even ME. I could not have made it through my recovery without my OH family.

WHY I CHOSE DS: No dumping. Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results, Won't regain weight! Eat normal sized meals, 96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured. I MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people. ~Orson Wells
I'm new here, so I don't mean to be offensive. Unfortunately I am in the Atlanta area. I will keep her in my prayers and hope she does the right thing for herself.
Even a small gesture like sending a get well card would be nice even from a stranger, just to let her know we are out here rooting for her.
WHY I CHOSE DS: No dumping. Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results, Won't regain weight! Eat normal sized meals, 96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured. I MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people. ~Orson Wells
I am going to be driving through Albany here in the next week (long story, but I have to pick up my still broken down truck in Tifton that broke down nearly 4 weeks ago on the way to my graduation in FL, yeah). Anyhow, I usually don't offer hand-me-down type stuff, but I have nearly a month's worth of chewables from Building Blocks that I am not taking and won't take- not expired yet. I've got at least another bottle of Iron and maybe an unopened sublingual B12 (I just got prescribed shots).
Also, I found this online linked from Andrea U's site. It might be a life saver for this girl/lady.