Thanks Izzy for a Great Meet & Greet!
We had a blast at the meet and greet last night. Taverna Plaka was awesome. The food was delicious, the drinks were strong, and the atmosphere was lively. The belly dancers were very entertaining and friendly, and gave us some lessons.
There was a meet and greet afterparty at Apache Cafe and those that attended didn't get home until 3:00 am!
Dinner, dancing, live music, good food, and great friends. What more could a girl ask for?
I am looking forward to seeing you guys next month. If you have not been out to a meet and greet lately, you are really missing out on a great treat. We have a blast!
Thanks Izzy for working so hard planing this. It was very much appreciated.

There was a meet and greet afterparty at Apache Cafe and those that attended didn't get home until 3:00 am!

Dinner, dancing, live music, good food, and great friends. What more could a girl ask for?

I am looking forward to seeing you guys next month. If you have not been out to a meet and greet lately, you are really missing out on a great treat. We have a blast!
Thanks Izzy for working so hard planing this. It was very much appreciated.