Wake Up GA Board!!! March Roll Call
We're well into the new year and Spring is just
around the corner. It is fighting to come out and
greet us, like a baby chick struggling to emerge from
it's shell. The gnarled fingers of Winter are grasping
Spring's beauty with Her weakening fist, trying to
hold onto Her bitter cold, and Spring is fighting to
peel them off one by one. With each of Winter's
fingers lifted we get a glimpse into the new season ...
first a drowsy frog ascending from it's wintry grave,
then a blade of grass. Daffodils have sprung forth
with their vibrant yellows and pale whites. The sun
has started to warm us a bit more frequently, making
a perfect environment for afternoon walks, and
romantic evenings on the porch swing.
The buds of flowering trees have begun to blossom,
and we have been blossoming too, with new bodies
and new outlooks on life. Much like Mother
Nature's struggle to transition from Winter to Spring,
we too struggled with our choice to enter into this
new season of our lives. We fought insurance,
naysayers, and even our physicians for our surgeries.
We even battled internally, and questioned whether
this really is/was the right thing to do. Am I brave
enough? Am I strong enough? Can I afford this? Will
I fail? Why can't I just do this on my own? We made
sacrifices of time, money, even sometimes love,
family and friendship in the quest for life, strength,
health, and happiness because deep inside we
knew/know in the end it is all worth it; that it was
even in some cases vital to our very survival. We are
brave, steadfast, unmovable. We conquered our
Welcome to Your Spring!

“And the day came when
the risk to remain tight in a
bud was more painful than
the risk it took to blossom"
~ Anaïs Nin
How are you doing this month? Pre-ops and post-ops please update us on what's going on in your life. Lurkers this means you too!

What challenges are you facing?
What goals have you met?
Where are you in your journey?
Do you need anything we can help you with?
Do you have any updated before/after photos to share?

What challenges are you facing?
I have lost down to a size 14, and I am almost ready to stop, but the weight lust keeps coming off anyway. I am afraid I will get too thin. I know a 14 seems still big to some people, but I will be happy with maybe just 20 more pounds. At the rate I am still losing, I am scared I will go below my personal goal. Of course Dr. Houston doesn't see anything wrong with it because on the bmi charts I am still obese, but on my chart I am a hottie. I never thought I'd be stressing over potentially getting too thin considering I have struggled with being fat most of my life. Ironic huh? I am trying to increase calories, and protein, but the DS is a powerful machine. We'll just have to see what the outcome will be. Y'all will let me know if I start looking like a crackhead right?
What goals have you met?
I have lost 125 so far! Wow amazing. I can tolerate most anything now, though I discovered my carb limit when I ate a HUGE cheesecake Blondie the other night. My DS was definitely NOT feeling it the next morning. I got on the treadmill at the gym the other night and didn't even break a sweat after 30 minutes. Before wls I would be huffing just from dressing out and cl imbuing up on the thing.
Where are you in your journey?
I am 7 months out and about 20 pounds from my personal goal weight. I am teetering on whether I would like to have any plastics in the next couple of years. I don't think I have enough loose skin for insurance to pay for it because I don't even have any belly overhang. My arms and legs are still pretty shapely, so those areas are off limits for sure. I am researching the Thermage procedure. Does anyone know anything about it? I wonder if it will tighten up my upper inner thigh area. It's definitely not jiggly enough to justify surgery, but not perfectly smooth either. I think a non invasive treatment and some strength training should do the trick (if I can stop losing weight).
The romance department is still steaming. Mr. Right is still on top of his game and I am loving it. We are constantly trying to out-do each other with pampering and surprises. You would be amazed at what a man will do if you just cook him a pan of homemade biscuits!
I truly feel like a Cinderella Princess. Life is so different now. I am saddened sometimes by how much I missed out on in my 20's because I was too fat to truly live life to it's fullest. This DS surgery is a miracle that saved my life and saved my ability to LIVE my life. Before I was just alive. Now I am LIVING!
Do you need anything we can help you with?
I just need support and encouragement. Also I would love to have some volunteers to play hostess for the meet n greets. I have been super busy lately. I never knew how lazy I was at 330. Some of it was pure, laziness, some of it was immobility, some of it was being ashamed to do certain things because I was afraid my fat would draw attention to me, so I shrunk back and declined to participate, some of it was from being tired all the time.
Even little things like cleaning the house and taking a shower is easier now. I was joking with Izzy about how before wls when you took a shower in the Summer you'd have to take another shower from sweating so much just from drying off. That was just a lot of territory for the towel to cover. I used to have to dry off in front of the fan. Plus, I baby powdered everything! Y'all know what I'm talking about right??? And let's not mention pre-op panty hose. That was just an Olympic event. Panty hose and thick thighs are just a disaster waiting to happen. Whoa that friction and Nylon... enough sparks to cook a pound of DS bacon!
Now, I never get a chance to sit back and relax. I am always on the go. I am making up for lost time and I am loving every minute.
Anybody game for hosting April's meet n greet?
Do you have any updated before/after photos to share?
I recently uploaded new pics to my profile, and posted them on the board. I will try to post pics more frequently. I was so inspired by the post op pics before my surgery. Looking at those pics were an affirmation that all the pre-op drama with testing and insurance and such was worth it, so I will try to do better with posting mine.
WHY I CHOSE DS: No dumping. Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results, Won't regain weight! Eat normal sized meals, 96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured. I MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people. ~Orson Wells
My biggest challenge right now is getting into exercise. My schedule is hectic and I feel unmotivated. I'm WAYY more active than I used to be, but getting out to a gym or doing formal exercise, has been rare. I really need to kick this and get into doing something. I am hoping with the weather improving, I'll be more motivated to ride my bike or walk.
What goals have you met?
Just feeling attractive again and having energy to clean, shop, travel...have made a huge difference. Getting out of the 300's (forever! ) was huge. I've lost 50 lbs. since surgery and 69 total since I started my preop diet.
Where are you in your journey?
I am roughly 3 1/2 months out from my RNY surgery and exactly 4 months since I started the preop diet. Still have a good amount of time left in my 'honeymoon period' and trying to make the best of each day I have. That is why I struggle so much with exercise. I *know* it would be maxmimizing my losses to be active, but I can't really complain with how I'm doing regardless. I'm VERY happy.
Do you need anything we can help you with?
Nothing in particular.
Do you have any updated before/after photos to share?
Not yet. I am planning to take some when I hit either 75 or 100 lbs. lost.
Making the time to exercise but I am trying my best to pencil myself in. If a client cancels in the afternoon its a blessing for me because I can go straight home and walk/run.
What goals have you met?
I can wear a little black dress. December 2008 I was at 180lbs. My goal is to get back to 180lbs and from there to go to 150lbs.
Where are you in your journey?
At the end of 2008, I was exactly where I wanted to be without realizing it. I am at a point where I want to be healthy where I don't have to worry about seeing the doctor for various conditions as premiums are up.
Do you need anything we can help you with?
At this point, I believe that my path to success lie within myself. I have to thank Ginger for pointing out the use of windbreakers. Its been a long time since I've heard anyone mention windbreakers. Well, I've been walking/running everyweek at least 2x a week.
Do you have any updated before/after photos to share?
Please check my page
Going on my cruise in 11 days and NOT gaining weight and making time to hit the gym while I am on the ship!!!!
What goals have you met?
1. Getting back involved on the boards--however the Georgia board is a new one for me! Happy to be here!!
2. What I called my "skinny pants" when i was bigger are now my "fat pants". :)
Where are you in your journey?
18 months post op-finally have perfect restriction (realize band surgery)
Do you need anything we can help you with?
Whats they best way to avoid all the food temptations of a cruise???????????
Do you have any updated before/after photos to share?
on my profile--------played around in the dressing room trying on formal dresses for my cruise!!
I can't wait to rock my swimsuit on the Lido Deck girl! I will pass up the midnight chocholate buffet for that feeling of being sexy and healthy any day.
I think you'll do fine with your food. One GOOD thing about cruising is there are so many healthy choices and so many fresh fruit and veggies and lean protein. Plus, the servers in the main dining room are so accomodating and will do damn near anything to make you happy. On your 1st day go on and let your server know you don't want him to automatically give you bread, and ask him not to offer dessert. Also all the cruise lines have a healthy section on the main dining room menu, and most of it is pretty good. You can always get a steak or grilled chicken every night even if you don't see it on the menu. You can also get fresh fruit for dessert or a cheese sampler for dessert.
Also keep in mind you'll be a lot moer active, so the extra calories will balance out. Don't stress so much about what you eat that you make your vacation a chore.
If you get me the name of the ship, I will try to get you some copies of the menus if you think it will help. That way you can strategise ahead.
WHY I CHOSE DS: No dumping. Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results, Won't regain weight! Eat normal sized meals, 96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured. I MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people. ~Orson Wells

My first one was 6 months post op -i had no restriction at all---- its taken me 16 months to get the perfect restriction-but buddy it was worth the wait!
I did go through the carnival website and see the menu-they have a low cal menu, so that helps! BUT i didnt think about having the waiter not even offer the bread/dessert-thats brilliant!! Also didnt know i could request it if its not on the menu! YEA!!!!!!!! im home free!!! Never thought about chesese for dessert either--love it!!
thanks a million for the tips! I will let ya know how it goes! I weigh in 2 days after i get back LOL-my doc will flip if i have had a good loss after a 1 1/2 week vacation! :)
Here is a sample of some Carnival menus. Most of the 4 days will have pretty much the same thing. It may not be the exact same thing, but will be very similar. At least you get an idea of the kind of food they offer. Plus the buffett has a ton of food and most ships have a sushi bar and an asian stir fry bar.
Keep in mind people are very health concious, so Carnival really tries to offer healthy choices.
***click here for some great menu pics. Made me HUNGRY!!!
Have you checked out cruisecritic.com. There is some great cruise advice there.
What are you planing on doing in Cozumel. I have been ther 5 times, so ask away if you have any questions.
I have only been to Grand Cayman once and we did a beach day. I believe the beach was called Hell??? It was really nice.
WHY I CHOSE DS: No dumping. Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results, Won't regain weight! Eat normal sized meals, 96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured. I MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people. ~Orson Wells
http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1162681&high light=legend+review
more legend pics
http://welcomebackkotter.blogspot.com/2010/03/carnival-legen d-vacation-2010-357.html
WHY I CHOSE DS: No dumping. Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results, Won't regain weight! Eat normal sized meals, 96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured. I MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people. ~Orson Wells