Finding a Surgeon who Performs the DS

on 3/16/10 10:58 am - Austell, GA
GA has 2 Ds Surgeons. Dr. Smith and Dr. Maynard. If you go to you can get their info.
The surgeons LaShelle have given you are both good, I have worked with Dr. Houston and Dr. Voellinger did my surgery and I AM SO HAPPY. I am one of the lucky ones I have had NO, NONE, NADDA issues or complications with my surgery and no pains with incesions either.
I have realized that the busier a practice is the more it may appear that their process is slower than a not so busy practice.
Good Luck!

HW: 410 PLD: 401 SW: 388.8 CW: 240 GW: 180                   

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on 3/17/10 3:11 pm - Hephzibah, GA
If you're interested in going to Augusta, Dr. Arthur Chasen does the DS.

Proximal Open RNY 11/2003
"No tool works if it's been forgotten in the drawer"
on 3/17/10 11:23 pm - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
Hey Carla I didn't realize there was a 3rd DS surgeon in GA. How many has he done? Does he do open or laproscopic?  Thanks for sharing the info.

               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

on 3/18/10 4:02 am - Hephzibah, GA
Hi LaShelle! Dr. Chasen is recently retired from the Army. He was the Chief of Bariatrics at Eisenhower Army Medical Center (a teaching hospital) at Ft. Gordon located here in Augusta. After retiring, he joined Trinity Bariatric and Weight Loss Center and is currently the Chief of Surgery at Trinity Hospital of Augusta. I say all that so you’ll understand why you haven’t heard of him. Anyway, to answer your questions, he has only done a few specific DS operations and he does them laproscopically. The rest of that story is that he pioneered the VSG (as you know, this is the restrictive portion of the DS) for the Army in this region and has performed uncounted revisions (the Army does not track these numbers). As a senior general surgeon in the military during a time of war, I’m sure you can begin to imagine his level of experience, creativity and expertise. The end of the story is that he has been performing bariatric surgery (open and lap) for the last 10 years.

Dr. Chasen offers the VSG, RNY, DS, Lap Band, Realize Band and will begin performing the ROSE procedure in the near future. Let me know if you have any other questions, I’ll do my best to answer them for you. Carla
Proximal Open RNY 11/2003
"No tool works if it's been forgotten in the drawer"
on 3/19/10 12:22 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
Thanks for the info. He should hire you to do his PR work.  I think it's great peple have another option. There is only 1 other DS surgeon in GA that does lap surgery,  Dr. Dennis Smith, so we definitely need another good relaible DS surgeon. You should cross post this info to the DS forum.  Since he is in Augusta, he would be a good option to people in SC too! 

Now if we can get just 1 more good DS surgeon besides Dr. Smith in Atlanta...  Dr. Smith is great, but the insurance restrictions keep so many from using him.  He is not in network with most plans.

               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

on 3/19/10 12:46 am - Hephzibah, GA
I actually do work for him!   I am the support group leader for Trinity Bariatric and Weight Loss Center.  I helped facilitate Dr. Chasen's support group while he was active duty, then moved with him to the civilian side and work for his partner and him.  He's in practice with Dr. Michael Blaney.  For people who are interested in the DS, Dr. Chasen does his free informational seminar on the third Thursday of each month.  The office number is 706-481-7298.

Please feel free to paste my posts anywhere you'd like, I'm hesitant to just go to boards and put information out there....I don't want anyone to feel like I'm doing a hard sell.  I just answer questions as I see them and get the information out there that way.

Proximal Open RNY 11/2003
"No tool works if it's been forgotten in the drawer"
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