Meet N Greet Challenge
You know who you are. You lurk on the boards and maybe even post every now and then, but have not made it out to meet your OH family in person. Yes! I'm talking about you. Or, you're a veteran who is a busy bee
in your new skinny body and don't have time to get out and party with the OH group anymore.
Well I'm challenging EVERYONE who has not made a meet and greet yet, or who has been missing in action for a while to come out and have some fun with us this month.
Izzy did a great job of putting this one together. 
If you are apprehensive about coming to a meet and greet, or don't know what it is, let me tell you we have a BLAST
. Last Saturday I did not get home til 1:00 a.m. cause we were having so much fun. A little too much fun if I may confess, but what happens at a M&G stays at the M&G
A M&G is not like a support meeting, though you do get to meet in person and discuss surgeries, etc... It is very informal and more like getting together with your friends for a night out on the town
. There is no formal presentation, no handouts, or speakers, etc. It is NOT boring!
All types of people come young, not so young, male, female, couples, singles, black, white, whoever. And everyone is WELCOME to join in and bring a friend or support person or spouse. ALL surgery types come out and ALL surgery types are loved
and supported
whether you're a pre-op and post-op.
So, if you've been curious about meeting me or some of the other OH members, or if you just want to go out and have a good time. RSVP w/ Izzy and join us at The Plaka March 20th.
I hope to see some new and some not so new (thinner) faces.

Well I'm challenging EVERYONE who has not made a meet and greet yet, or who has been missing in action for a while to come out and have some fun with us this month.

If you are apprehensive about coming to a meet and greet, or don't know what it is, let me tell you we have a BLAST

A M&G is not like a support meeting, though you do get to meet in person and discuss surgeries, etc... It is very informal and more like getting together with your friends for a night out on the town

All types of people come young, not so young, male, female, couples, singles, black, white, whoever. And everyone is WELCOME to join in and bring a friend or support person or spouse. ALL surgery types come out and ALL surgery types are loved

So, if you've been curious about meeting me or some of the other OH members, or if you just want to go out and have a good time. RSVP w/ Izzy and join us at The Plaka March 20th.
I hope to see some new and some not so new (thinner) faces.