Sharing today's WOW!

on 2/6/10 6:22 am
I went to my Weigh****cher weigh-in this am.  I have officially lost 200.2 pounds! 

*  I am nearly 1/2 of my former self!
*  I am only 27 pounds from Onederland!
*  I am 61.2 pounds from what I believe my final goal will be!

Thank you Sonny Perdue and the State Health Benefit Program for giving me the best gift of my life.

Highest Weight/Surgery Weight/Current Weight/Goal
on 2/6/10 9:27 am
Congratulations on your great success!!  Keep up the great work.
14.5 lost pre-surgery  5'1 1/2"                                      LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
on 2/6/10 11:30 am - Athens, GA
Congrats! Enjoy the new u!!!


on 2/7/10 3:04 am
Whoo Hooo!


on 2/8/10 12:09 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA

                  200 pounds!!!


                That's Awesome

              What an Inspiration!


I am also thankful the state decided to cover wls last year. I don't know where I would be now without my DS. Life is so different and I feel so much better withthis weight off.  I wish continued health and success to all my shbp family.  We fought so hard for this, but it was worth every phone call, letter, and e-mail.






               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

on 2/8/10 12:37 am
Thank you.  Love the "rockin cat".

Yes, we fought very hard to get this in the first place and it will be the fight we get to win for the rest of our lives.

Though I have to say, I'm not very happy with Cobb County right now.  I stayed with the Cigna HRA plan for this year, though this year, I signed up to have $50/month ($600/year) taken from my paycheck to help cover the $1100 deductible.  I'm already thru the $1100 (according the the Cigna website, waiting on the doctor bill) but didn't realize that the $600 didn't "work" the same as the first $500 the SHBP gives us.  I had to fill a prescription for a VERY expensive antibiotic this weekend ($350 worth of antibiotic).  Now, I have to "submit" that bill to Cobb County for reimbursement.  I filled it Friday late afternoon and called HR first this this am to find out how I get reimbursed.  Apparently, submissions are due the 1st Friday of the month and then they reimburse with the NEXT PAYCHECK.  So, I won't get reimbursed until my MARCH PAYCHECK!  I must admit, I'm a bit ticked...I have things like a mortgage, electric, gas, etc. to pay.  ARGH!  The only "light" is that I'm now working on the max-out-of-pocket expense for the year, so everything now is an 85/15 split.  I can handle that.  And hopefully, my infectious disease doctor will have some answers too! 

Is this how it works in other counties with the reimbursement?  I was just hoping I could send them the bills and I would get a check cut just for that rather than them waiting for my paycheck.

Highest Weight/Surgery Weight/Current Weight/Goal
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