WOW Moment
As most of you know we had about an inch and half of snow here in North GA. My girls made a southern sled out of a wake board and was sliding down the drive way! They were having so much fun and I laughed at them till I hurt. My youngest Alanah talked me into trying it. Well at 325 lbs I wouldn't dare try to walk across the icy/snow much less slide down it! So I was soo nervous but am so into trying new things at 180 lbs! I did it! It was sooo fun! My heart was beating a million miles an hr. I know this sounds like such a little thing but these are the reasons I wanted to be smaller was so I could enjoy life! The little things that so many take for-granted! I DID IT and I love it!! I'm going back for more!!! Have fun in the snow everyone!!

OH NO and with out the extra padding I bet that hurt!! My husband fell yesterday on the ice while holding my grandson... He spun around to keep from hurting Hayden and hit his elbow on the concrete! OUCH... I rushed over to help him and fell right on top of both of them... After it was over and no one was hurt .. I laughed till I peed myself!! LOL Loose bladder still a problem even after 145 lbs gone!! O well some things just never change do they??