Guess What???
I am an official certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader!!!
So much has changed in my life the past year! I remember a few years ago when I first discovered OH. My weight had skyrocketed, and I felt like surgery was the only hope to get my life back in order.
Unfortunately, at the time my employer, State of GA did not cover the surgery. So, out of frustration, I strayed away from the board. I heard the news October 2008 that State of GA would begin covering wls in January 2009, so I got back on track, and life hasn't been the same.
I have been so blessed by so many men and women I've met on OH. And, it has been a blessing to bless others. I could not have made it through this without all of my OH family. I truly love y'all, and I am so glad to have you in my life. Even the crazy moody people on here, and you know who you are. Just like a real family, we have our ups and downs, and we have our share of cyber disagreements. But in the end, we all all united by the bond of our quest for life, health, and happiness.
It is truly a pleasure and an honor to play it forward and share all the love and wisdom I've received with my OH family. I look forward to serving my OH community and I can't wait to see what lies ahead for each of in our new lives.

So much has changed in my life the past year! I remember a few years ago when I first discovered OH. My weight had skyrocketed, and I felt like surgery was the only hope to get my life back in order.
Unfortunately, at the time my employer, State of GA did not cover the surgery. So, out of frustration, I strayed away from the board. I heard the news October 2008 that State of GA would begin covering wls in January 2009, so I got back on track, and life hasn't been the same.
I have been so blessed by so many men and women I've met on OH. And, it has been a blessing to bless others. I could not have made it through this without all of my OH family. I truly love y'all, and I am so glad to have you in my life. Even the crazy moody people on here, and you know who you are. Just like a real family, we have our ups and downs, and we have our share of cyber disagreements. But in the end, we all all united by the bond of our quest for life, health, and happiness.
It is truly a pleasure and an honor to play it forward and share all the love and wisdom I've received with my OH family. I look forward to serving my OH community and I can't wait to see what lies ahead for each of in our new lives.

GA Losing for Life Support Group
Facilitated by LaShelle Dyer OH Support Leader & Izzy Thomas
You are cordially invited to join us for a Saturday Support
Session. Meet new friends, share your experiences, and learn
more about weight loss surgery. Pre and post-operative patients of all weight loss types are welcome.
When: 2nd Saturday of every month 11:00am-12:00pm.
Our first meeting is Saturday, February 13, 2010
Where: Henry Medical Center
1133 Eagle's Landing Parkway
Stockbridge, GA 30281
We will meet in the Foundation Room in the Education Building. Take the stairs or elevator to the 2nd floor. We will be in the 1st room on the right.
1. Studies have shown wls patients who are actively involved in a support group have more long term success in losing and keeping the weight off.
2. While family and friends, can offer support and encouragement, nothing compares to the knowledge and first hand experience of people just like you who have had surgery themselves, or are going through the approval process.
3. Many insurance companies require active participation in a bariatric support group in order to approve wls.
4. You'll meet new friends and have lots of fun!