Calling All Banders ... Newbie That Is So Very Confused.

on 12/23/09 6:03 pm, edited 12/23/09 6:04 pm - Lithonia, GA
I am now 10 days banded ... On day six, I cld not stand the taste of applesauce, jello and or chicken broth... the mere idea of a sugar free pudding made me want to starve.  I was scared to go out, for fear of robbing McDonalds or KFC, of all its burgers and chicken, but I had to eat.  Finally giving into my cravings, I went to the grocery store in search of something .. anything that would be thicker than that dam Chicken broth... Krogers had a sell on Crab Legs. ( soft meat.. can chew to mush)  I bought them steamed and boy ... they were so good.  I had 1 small cluster w/ a tblsp of butter,( wink, wink ...U know, so it cld go down:-)) .. and that is where my story begins and ends... since I started my solids.. i have had 1 small cluster 2-3 times a day. typical menu for the last 4 days, as well as a 1-2  protein shake and my vitamins.   I used regular margarine af first, then I tried to clarify the butter, by melting it, allowing it to cool and taking off the solid fat at the top ( found the idea online), but now have started using I Can't Believe Its Not Butter Lite.   I am drinking at least 64 ozs of Water and also exercising Daily ( P.S. Their is a great on-demand video that allows u to walk a mile from the comforts of your home... I am really enjoying it.. actually due it 1-3 during my day) But here is my concerns... is this an acceptable menu for lapbanders .. What exactly are we too eat... are we to count calories, eat like the Atkins, high proteins w/few carbs... or have I already fell off the bandwangon ... Can some1 give me sometype of Clarity... along w/ risk or benefits of my current eating habits?
Jade ..
on 12/23/09 11:03 pm - GA
 Hi hon,

Congrats on surgery!  I would suggest you post your question over on the lap band board and you'll probably get more responses.  My thought would be to follow your surgeon's directions and your nutritionist's advice.  Good luck!,messageboard/board_id,5359/

HW 299 *~* SW 279 *~* CW 157 *~* GW 145 *~* My Blog 
on 12/24/09 12:00 am - Lithonia, GA
Thank you very much... I actually did post it in both forums .. not realizng it ws so many different forums.. but I am looking for as much advice as possible
on 12/24/09 9:14 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
Your post is one of a few recent posts from Dr. Duncan's office from people early out not knowing what to eat, what vitamins to take, etc. I  am curoius what follow up program do they have?   Do they do a pre-surgery class?  Do you see a nutritionist?  Do you feel like you were well prepared to care for yourself when you were released from the hospital?

               **** I AM AN OH SUPPORT GROUP LEADER ****
No dumping.  Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results,  Won't regain weight!  Eat normal sized meals,  96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured.                                    I  MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people.    ~Orson Wells  

on 12/28/09 7:09 am - Lawrenceville, GA

Your surgeons office should have given you specifics on what is and isn't acceptable, each surgeon is different. My surgeon had me on full liquids for 2 weeks, then I was able to progress to mushie foods. The reason for this is because your stomach has to heal from band being progressing too quickly could cause damage/slippage. If your surgeon has told you that at 10 days you can move to mushie foods, the crab legs seem ok as long as they are mushed up enough (take small bites and chew alot until it's a liquid consistency in your mouth before swallowing). Make sure that you're getting in enough protein with the shakes and keep up the exercise, water and's hard to stay on track after you slack in doing it.


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