Patients of Dr. Larry Hobson

on 12/9/09 3:31 am - Covington, GA
I have my initial consult visit with Dr. Hobson on Tuesday December 15th. What should I expect?  What kind of questions does he ask?  Does he take measurements?  I am really nervous and would just like to be prepared for my appointment.  Thanks.  Meredith


on 12/10/09 3:55 am
I really don't remember my first meeting with him.  It seems like it was ages ago, but it has only been about 2 mos since my surgery.  He is very polite, not judgmental at all.  I just remember him looking at my belly and telling me I had a soft belly and that was good.  I feel like I can ask him anything and I have!
I don't remember him or anyone else taking measurements.  But it is a good idea for you to take them yourself. 
Take care and good luck with your journey!

on 12/10/09 8:17 am - douglasville, GA
Dr Hobson is a great doctor and a great person he didn’t do my initial surgery but I had some complications and he did the next one. I think all the people at Peachtree are cool. They will take care of you and look out for you.  
on 12/11/09 11:28 am - Hampton, GA

Well I had my first inital consultation on 12-01 it was very informative I asked a fw questions and I do mean a few questions and for the wait I was there I was with him all of 15min (lol)  I guess I really didnt have alot of questions at the time. The office didnt take any measurements of me at all I thought someone would but so far no one has and I have my surg on monday 12-14. I had my EGD on tue it went ok now look I will tell you this be prepared for what ever day u go for your anes pre-op visit and class for a long wait. Man we had to be there at 0730am and gessss we were in the class till about 1100 but lawd have mercy went downstairs to do the lab xray ect....That stuff took forrrrrrrrrrrever I mean really I didnt get out of there until 245 yes 245 the blood work once they finally called my name in the surgery center took all of 10 min but had to wait forever thats the worse of the entire day so be prepared to wait and be patient. You do have a chance to meet all the other people your doing the class with and hear their stories and exchange dates ect. But he is nice and did talk to me. At my egd he was on time and i liked that b/c i didnt want to be there all day i got there at 600am and was leaving about 1000 not bad missed the afternoon ATL traffic. So now i am sitting at home waiting to start my preop diet tomorrow of clear liq for 2 days and get ready for monday wish me luck!!!! any more question**** me up i'll keep u updated!!


on 12/11/09 12:04 pm - Covington, GA
Thank you everyone for your answers.  I am still really nervous, but now I feel a little bit better that I know somewhat what to expect.


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