Feeling Better

Paige F.
on 11/30/09 5:42 am
I feel much better now, especially emotionally.  The soreness is almost gone and I can move around better and sleep better.  Thank you all so much for your replies.  I am still struggling with getting in all I am supposed to, but I am improving every day.
on 11/30/09 7:50 am
I am glad you are doing better. I went back to work today. It was like I had never been out! I did just fine with no more tiredness than usual. Take this week and recoup. Hope next week is great for you.


Paige F.
on 11/30/09 9:35 am
Wow! That is great news.  I have been thinking about you today and wondering how your first day back was for you.  I am so glad to hear that it went well.
Jade ..
on 11/30/09 1:33 pm - GA
Yay for feeling better!  Remember to sip sip sip!   
HW 299 *~* SW 279 *~* CW 157 *~* GW 145 *~* My Blog 
on 11/30/09 2:30 pm
Great news!

HW 240/ SW 229/ GW 146/CW 125; OH Support Group Leader   

Starting size:  18W-20;  Present size: 0 or 2; 5'5-1/2" tall. 
Current BMI 20.4 as of 2/13/2013 (normal for the first time in my life).
Goal weight reached on 8/12/2010; As of 1/13/2013, 21 pounds below goal

on 11/30/09 9:54 pm
Glad you are feeling better.  Remember to sip, sip, sip.  Keep up the great work.
14.5 lost pre-surgery  5'1 1/2"                                      LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
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