Not doing well after surgery

on 11/28/09 10:18 am - GA


I am sorry you are having such a hard time getting in all your nutrients and protein. Each day gets better. Are you using the little measuring cups to drink your protein and water. That helped me to get in my protein b/c I was only facing a small amount at a time. Maybe some yogurt may work to help settle the stomach. I know it is on the approved list of pureed or liquid foods. 


Since you can do water, could you maybe try the Special K protein powders that you add to water? I don't use them now because of the calorie count, but your main concern now is getting in your nutrients.


The emotional part will get better. I am glad you are taking off next week.




on 11/28/09 8:47 pm - GA
Your post made me think of myself!  Remember, you are less than a week out from surgery.  Everything you are feeling is perfectly normal.  I am almost 2 months out, and I still can't tolerate protein shakes, so don't sweat it. 

I've had all of your symptoms too, and I am doing well after surgery.  I am sure you are still in the stage where you think "what in the world did I do to myself??"  I still think that sometimes.  I know it will be worth it for both of us.

Give yourself time to heal, physically and emotionally.  It's a big surgery, and it's life changing.  I miss eating, and you might too.  It's sort of like letting go of an old friend, or throwing out an old pair of comfy shoes.

Best of luck to you!
on 11/28/09 11:31 pm

I have not yet had the surgery so I can only imagine what you are going through.  I read your post yesterday and had a thought overnight.

When I took my nutrition class the nutritionist said that even if you are drinking your protein you should treat it as a meal.  Therefore, she said that the "thirty minute rule" both before and after drinking or sipping a protein shake or source would apply. 

I am wondering if you are more nauseated because you are drinking your liquids such a short time before and after the protein.

Just a thought and hope you feel better soon.


HW 240/ SW 229/ GW 146/CW 125; OH Support Group Leader   

Starting size:  18W-20;  Present size: 0 or 2; 5'5-1/2" tall. 
Current BMI 20.4 as of 2/13/2013 (normal for the first time in my life).
Goal weight reached on 8/12/2010; As of 1/13/2013, 21 pounds below goal

Paige F.
on 11/29/09 6:02 am
That is a good thought.  I will try it.  I am doing better, especially emotionally, but still cannot get much protein down.  My nutritionist said to spend two hours drinking a protein shake but she said to measure out an ounce of protein shake, wait 15 minutes, drink an ounce of water, wait 15 minutes, drink the protein shake...  She said to do this 3 times a day!  There is no way I can do that yet.
on 11/29/09 6:44 am
The advice sounds a bit strange to m/,  Have you considered posting on the main or  RNY boards so that your question can have more exposure than on the Georgia board?

Also, have you considered using other forms of protein other than shakes?  Unjury has an inflavored powder that you can mix with things like crystal lite.  Also Isopure comes in fruit flavors and 20 oz comtauns 40g of protein.  So if you drink  5 oz. you will get 10g of protein which istn't bad.  I got grape frost and mango peach from GNC today.  I sampled the grape frost--tastes ok like watered down grape soda.  Haven't tried the mango peach yet.  The employee told me the most popular flavor is green in color--she said it's some kind of apple flavor and that she can't keep it on the shelf.  You might want to try another form of protein other than shakes for now.

As for your earlier comment about your period, I have read that this is not uncommon following surgery.

Just hange in there. 

HW 240/ SW 229/ GW 146/CW 125; OH Support Group Leader   

Starting size:  18W-20;  Present size: 0 or 2; 5'5-1/2" tall. 
Current BMI 20.4 as of 2/13/2013 (normal for the first time in my life).
Goal weight reached on 8/12/2010; As of 1/13/2013, 21 pounds below goal

on 11/30/09 4:42 am - Hampton, GA
OMG I am so glad you posted your problem i am due to have surgery in 2 weeks and alot of what your experiencing I have had thoughts about. I am so sorry you are going thur this but I guess its got to get worse before it gets better, I hope things go ok . I love the responses you have gotten I am writing all kinds of notes from it and thank you for posting once again I do think my biggest prob is going to be getting the water intake i HATE water no go figure that how am I going to survive I guess with prayer! any suggestions to that will be greatly appreciated.
Paige F.
on 11/30/09 4:59 am
Congratulations on your upcoming surgery!  I researched this for nearly a year and still had an unexpected outcome.  The replies on OH have been very helpful.  I feel much better today...less pain and much better emotionally.  I still can't drink the protein shakes, but I am finding ways to get in about a quarter of what my doctor's office wants.  As for the water, I have been told that flavored water counts.  So, if you like crystal light, sugar free koolade, etc... that might work for you.  In fact, my nutritionist counts anything sugar free, caffeine free, and noncarbonated in the water count.  Don't forget lip moisturizer for the hospital stay and for home afterwards.  I have also found a timer to be very helpful.  I measure out 1-2 TBSP and drink it every 15 minutes.  Having a timer beside me that I just keep hitting reset on keeps me from having to watch the clock and remember times.

on 11/30/09 6:53 am - Hampton, GA
Wow a timer who would've thought I dont know what im gonna do I dont know with my job if i will be able to drink as often either but i just gotta try i do like crystal lite but it is hard on my kidneys. did u buy your vitamins ahead of time? i dont know about that either well after my doctor visit 2morrow i should no more im just a lost pup and have not done anything but tried to cut back to get ready thats it i hope i dont get a slap in the face reguarding this coming so soon did u prepare early for it or just waited.
Paige F.
on 11/30/09 9:43 am
I waited until my pre-op Dr. appointment to find out exactly what I needed.  I did order some vitamins online ahead of time.  One of the things my doctor did was give me the prescription for dissolvable nausea tablets and liquid pain medicine at Pre-op.  I got them filled the same day so I would have them at home as soon as I needed them.  You will learn a lot at your doctor visit tomorrow.   I know you must be excited!  One other thing I did was eat very light on Saturday (mostly liquids) so that the bowel prep would be easy on me on Sunday.  Sunday was the only day I was restricted to liquids by my doctor.  My surgery was on Monday. 
Ginger L.
on 12/4/09 5:03 am - Woodstock, GA
Im a bit late responding and looks like you've had some good advice so far.  Using the small medicine cups was a life safer for me!!  My Nut told me when I thought I was only sipping alittle cut it back alittle more.  We are so used to gulping and eat ting big and now that's all changing.  You can also try using a baby spoon to eat your protein out of since its thick it might seem like a bit of a treat if your eat ting from a spoon instead of drinking.  I wish you all the best! Remember this is your job to eat / drink right.  It will get easier every single day and before you know it you will be  a lean mean fighting machine!!  You will work your way up to a more normal intake so no worries there!
All my best!!

Starting Weight: 325;  Pre Surgery Weight: 314


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