Not doing well after surgery

Paige F.
on 11/26/09 11:05 pm
Here is a copy of the email I just sent to my nutritionist.  If anyone on OH has any advice - please post!  Right now I am thinking..."what in the world have I done to myself?"  I also have a call in to my doctor already.

I had my RNY surgery on Monday, 11/23/09, and came home from the hospital on Wednesday.  I am very worried because all I can really tolerate is cold water.  I forced down 4 ounces of protein shake yesterday and it makes my stomach very nauseated.  I couldn't sleep last night from all of the churning in my stomach.  I am also very emotional.  I cried on both Wednesday and Thursday and can't quit crying today.  I think that this is probably normal, but I need reasurance from someone.  The Zofran helps with the nausea and I have not thrown up.  I get very anxious when I think that I might.  I can get enough water to stay hydrated, but worry about how long I can go on like this.  I also started my period (strange color) on Wednesday - two weeks early.  Do you have any advice for me? 

on 11/27/09 2:28 am - Atlanta , GA
Oh sweety!  I am sorry you are having trouble.  For the first several days after I had surgery, all I had were ice chips and frozen sugar free popsicles.  I did that basically for a week and then it got better to the point I could tolerate soft food.  I honestly think our systems need time to adjust to what has happened.  As far as your period goes, I am surprised you didn't get it sooner.  I got mine a week before I had surgery, and then a week after I had surgery I got my period again.  Don't know exactly why that happens but it is normal.  As far as your emotions, that is also VERY normal.  It is kinda like losing a friend/loved one.  Whether you think so or not, you are mourning food.  It too shall pass.  I am living proof that there is success with the RNY.  Please DO NOT HESITATE to send me a private message.  I have been where you are.  xoxo ... It will get better.
Paige F.
on 11/27/09 5:50 am
Thank you so much for your reply.  I just wanted to be able to follow my Doc/Nut directions and got really afraid when I realized that I CAN'T.  My nutritionist did email me and was understaning and willing to alter my schedule.  I am basically going to stick with clear liquids for a few more days and then see how the protein goes.  She also said that I could switch to pureed foods early, but I do not want to....especially not now.
on 11/27/09 6:59 am - Atlanta , GA
Don't be so hard on yourself.  The big thing right now is to keep getting your liquids in.  Your stomach is still trying to figure things out and that is why it is acting the way it is.  PM me any time you want if you have more questions or need help.  I am here for ya!
RNY 5-12-04 Done at St Vincents Hospital in Carmel Indiana by Dr Margaret Inman.

 Would I do it again?  IN A HEARTBEAT!!  Best gift I ever gave myself.
on 11/27/09 10:06 am
I had surgery 1 week before.  Four oz. seem a little much. Try just an ounce or two at the mos****er is what is most important, then comes protein. I have been drinking skim milk and water. It takes me about 2 hours to drink 8 ounces of milk or water, so I am pretty much sipping all the time. Sugar free popscicles are great and when I need somethin hot or flavorful I drink 2 to 3 ounces of hot chicken broth. It feels really good going down. Sip, sip, sip, walk, walk, walk.
I hope you will feel better soon.


Paige F.
on 11/27/09 10:35 pm
Thank you.  It took me nearly all day to get down the 4 ounces of protein shake the other day and it made me feel awful.  I was alternating sips with water with 15 minutes in between sips.  I am better today...the OH comments helped me to stop panicking.  My Nut sent me home with directions to drink 3 protein shakes a day + two liquid snacks + all the vitamin supplements.  I was very discouraged when I realized that there was no way that I could do all of that!  I have been reading your posts and thought you made it sound so easy.  It has not been easy at all for me.  I had a fairy tale picture of me feeling great and walking in the neighborhood LOL!  I am much better today.  Yesterday I drank only water all day long!  Today, I am getting in some protein...getting better and better...slowly.  I was planning on going back to work on Monday - but have axed that idea! 
on 11/28/09 1:40 am
I am sorry if I misled you, but I feel as though I have done exceptionally well. Though it has been hard to get everything in. I am required to drink 32 ounces of skim milk and 32 ounces of water per day. I have been adding whey protein to my coffee in the morning which takes me two hours to finish. Later in the day I have been drinking a Protein Bullet which is 4 ounces of fruit punch flavored liquid with 26 grams of protein. I am basically drinking all day long. Yesterday I went to a funeral and sipped a 16 oz Crystal lite the whole time. On the hour ride in the car I drank the 4 oz, protein bullet.

Protein coffee-23 gm.
32 oz skim milk-32 gm.
Protein Bullet-26 gm.

That's 81 grams of protein! But I don't get all this in everyday. It is usually around 40 or 50 grams.

I have had about 3 oz. thin, watery instant grits, and last night I tried cream of wheat. I learned that if I leave more than 2-3 oz. in the bowl I will eat too much. I felt uncomfortable and a little nauseous. So from now on I will measure and put only what I intend to eat into the bowl.

I am going back to work Monday. I worry that I will be able to get everything in as I am a teacher and I have no breaks from 11:00 until 4:30. Everyone at school knows about the surgery, even the students, so maybe I won't have any trouble sipping milk through out. the day

Having this surgery means so much to me and I had waited so long to get it,I am willing to go through almost anything in order to lose this weight. So every day that I wake up, am able to drink with no nausea and have the energy do what I need to do, it is a GOOD day.

Your good days are coming!


Paige F.
on 11/28/09 3:16 am
Yes, my days are coming.  I also teach and plan on sipping all day when I go back to work.  I wanted to go back Monday - but decided that is not going to be possible.  I am glad that you are doing so well.  I tried mixing my protein shake with lactose free ff milk, but maybe I should try the ff milk I was drinking before the surgery??  I really think that my insides were just not well enough to take it on Wednesday and Thursday...I will try it again one day soon.  I feel much better today and am looking forward to seeing improvement everyday.  I weighed yesterday and it looks like I have already lost at least 10 pounds! 

Are you able to take two multivitamins and three calciums daily?

Thanks for helping me!
on 11/28/09 7:36 am
Yea, that is 10 lbs gone forever! I am glad you have decided not to go back Monday. That is too soon. I really needed this second week to find out what I could tolerate and how much protein I could get in.

As for vitamins, I take 4 Optisource bariatric formula chewables per day. I don't chew, just suck on them like a lozenge. I got them at Walgreens for about $26.

Next week will be much better.

Take care.


Paige F.
on 11/28/09 9:42 am
Thanks again.  That is a great idea to suck on the chewable.  The hospital gave me sample bottle of Optisource and I took one today.  It didn't settle well, but I chewed it.  I will try it again tomorrow your way.
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