What are you Thankful for?

on 11/23/09 10:19 pm, edited 11/23/09 10:50 pm - Atlanta, GA

As Thanksgiving approaches I find myself reflecting on some of the reasons I am Thankful!     

My 2 wonderful children (that I am so proud of. Both of which are graduating from college in 2010).

 My sweetheart Pete, he makes me laugh and I love the way he holds me so tight!

 My family and friends.

My Health; being able tohave gastric bypass,  lose weight and for the first time in my life being able to maintain the weight loss. The ability to physically do things that I have always dreamed of doing. 

Being blessed to be able to help others lose weight and get healthy.

 I am thankful for the freedom to my own beliefs and have my own thoughts.

 I am thankful for our Dog; Lucky she is my walking buddy and would protect me from anything or anyone.

I'm thankful for the Internet. The Internet has opened so many doors for me. Also, sites like Facebook have allowed me to get in touch with old friends and make new ones. And in the way we are all so busy it keeps us connected.

I am thankful for all the kind people in this world. 

I am thankful to know that God is always with me, guiding me to make the right decisions and showing me how to help others.

I am thankful for the beautiful world we live in; it amazes me sometimes as to how many different types of plants, animals, butterflies, and even different people there are. We have beautiful beaches, mountains, waterfalls etc. God really has an incredible imagination!

 I know life is not always a rose garden and if it is, there are always some thorns. But if we take the time to smell the roses every now and then, it makes life so much sweeter! Remember we are not guaranteed tomorrow, so make sure you enjoy today and give thanks for all our blessings.

So, what are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

Happy Thanksgiving,  

Open RNY 3/27/01  400 lbs - 170lb.  Please visit my blog at www.gingerrock.blogspot.comYou can also find me on facebook www.facebook.com/GingerRock and Twitter www.twitter.com/GingerRock 

on 11/25/09 11:45 pm - Rome, GA
Okay, time to get "sappy."  lol .... !!!  Thanks most of all for my God and all the blessings he has given me and my family.  Thanks also for the things that I prayed for that weren't answered in the way "I" wanted them answered, but in the way God felt was best for my life.  We sometimes forget about these things.  I miss my mom and dad ..... even though their last years on this earth weren't healthy ones, and I wish I could have taken away their pain, I so miss knowing they were always there for me in a crisis.  Even though they might not have agreed with me at times, I always knew they loved me and were proud of all my accomplishments, even my "black sheep" days, for without those days, I wouldn't be who I am today.  I have learned so much in life through the good, the bad and the ugly!! I am thankful for my precious children that have been my entire life for the last 27 years.  Nikki, I am so proud of you and l look at how people "admire" you so, and it makes my heart smile!!!!  Dustin, you're a mess .... but there is truly no one on this earth that could love me any more than you.  I am so thankful for your "conscious" that keeps you in line!  I love you both, and without you my life it would have been so empty. Doodles ...... mommy loves you and you bring so much sunshine to my world.  (My ****z-Tzu, lol)!!!

My sisters, Dawn & April ..... even though there is never enuf time for us to share and spend time with each other as I would like, I appreciate the times that we do get together and realize that sisters are true angels and will love you no matter what.  We are so different .... but so unique.  I so wish I had April's organizational skills, and Dawn's compassion for others.  I admire you both!

To my friends, and my co-workers ..... thank you for always having a listening ear and for supporting me through my ups and downs in life.  Wow ..... there have been many!

Last, but certainly not least ..... I am so grateful for the oportunity to have had my surgery and my "renewed" strength, both physically, emotionallly, spiritually and mentally.  Obesity is a hard thing to live with and I am so thankful for my job that gave me the insurance I needed in order to successfully take this journey. 



Starting:  370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190


on 11/26/09 7:45 pm - GA
Considering I almost died from multiply pulmonary embolisms after my TT this year, I'm thankful to still be vertical!!!! All the rest is gravy
on 11/27/09 10:09 pm - Atlanta , GA
Here is my list of the things I am Thankful for:

1.  My husband and kids
2.  My husband's job
3.  The ability to be a stay at home mom
4.  The rest of my family
5.  My health
6.  The ability to to do the things I couldn't do 6 years ago
7.  To be able to keep my weight off and be comfortable
8.  All of my friends... you know I love you all
9.  Having the faith in myself and in God to even go through with the surgery 5 1/2 years ago
10.  For everything in my life that I am truly blessed to have

That sums it up.
RNY 5-12-04 Done at St Vincents Hospital in Carmel Indiana by Dr Margaret Inman.

 Would I do it again?  IN A HEARTBEAT!!  Best gift I ever gave myself.
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