Calling all Singles!

on 11/22/09 1:57 am - Rome, GA
Pickings are slim in North Georgia too .... lol ....!  I have always been attracted to a larger man too ... I just like a man with a little meat.  Not necessarily obese, but "big" in frame!  After all I am 5' 10 1/2" myself ..... so a larger man makes me feel smaller, giggles!  That's one way to accomplish feeling smaller hahaha!


Starting:  370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190


on 11/22/09 2:43 am, edited 11/22/09 4:11 am - STOCKBRIDGE, GA
I was picky before and I'm picky now. Guess that's why I'm still single.   I do get more attention from men now, and I wonder if he woulda liked me 90 pounds ago?? Probably not huh?

I do have lots more energy and ahem "motivation" now, so watch out whoever scores this goal.  I may have to get a warning label tattooed down there.

One thing I worry about now is if I date a guy and he likes me now will he like me if I lose 50-75 more pounds. Cause I'm still  plus sized, but rapidly shrinking.  Men that date bbw tend to not like thin girls so much and vice versa.

And of course getting naked 6 months from now will be more intimidating, cause I'm sure I'll have some loose skin.  So far the melanin fairy has been in  my corner, but I don't know how long she'll hang with me.
on 11/22/09 3:38 am - Rome, GA
Girl, that fairy is gonna stay in your corner!!!  Just remind your
"men" that smaller means more "energy" .... WOOHOO!  Lookout ... here comes LaShelle!


Starting:  370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190


on 11/26/09 8:08 am - Decatur, GA
VSG on 08/07/08 with
Just 'cuz I'm single doesn't mean I'm looking for a mate, HA!  (Sorry, couldn't resist :-))  So I guess my goals haven't changed!         --Dorothy

 Highest weight: 292   Pre-op weight: 265   Goal met: 150   Six years out: 185 and trying to lose again!

on 11/26/09 9:59 am - Rome, GA
And, sometimes we're better off without one! lol ...... You've reached your goal ..... you go girl!



Starting:  370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190


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