3 month surgiversarry update

I went to a retirement luncheon for one of my co-workers today and it dawned on me I was eating the same stuff as everybody else. I had worried pre-op about not being able to fit in when I eat with other people because I'd be eating less. My plate looked NORMAL, and I was able to fini**** all. I even went for seconds of the fruit. And, I even had cake and cookies, and NO DUMPING!!! It still amazes me that I can eat like a normal person and still lose this weight. This DS is a miracle surgery! My co-workers can't figure out how I eat tons of food all day and still keep losing. We'll just have to keep that our little secret.

I have my 3 month follow-up Friday, but I already got my lab results, and they are great. I am still low on vit D, but I have been low a couple of years, so it's not fom the DS. I an surprisingly better in iron, zinc, manganese, and a few others. I guess because I didn't take vitamins pre-op, and I am taking them now.

My diabetes is GONE!
My edema is GONE!
My pee-areah is GONE! (I used to take like 20 potty breaks a day)
My sleep apnea is GONE!
My asthma is GONE!
I don't sweat all the time! (I used to own stock in panty liners and Secret clinical stregnth. Just keepin it real. I always have had good hygeine, but being smaller makes certain things easier to maintain). I used to have 2-3 showers a day in the summer, just to keep things in check.

I can see my goodies down there in the mirror and there isn't a roll of fat covering it up. I was looking in the mirror one morning and it was like WOW, where did that come from???
I never have to buy a diet book, or video, or pill again!
I am an "AFTER" on one of those before and after ads. It feels great to be an "AFTER"

I can wear a size xl top in the normal girls department! I can't believe I was a 28! I even have a few 30's in my closet. Was I really that big? Why didn't somebody tell me??? Shopping feels kinda strange. I feel like people are still looking at me like what are you doing in this department, go back to your 6'x6' section of fat granny clothes. Do you know how embarrasing it is to go to a normal sized clothes store and have the anoerexic sales girl ask in a condesending voice "may I help you" when you know she's thinking "don't this fat heifer know ain't nothing in her for her big ass" ? Clothes are a lot cheaper in small sizes too. Can you believe they charge big girls that much extra money for 2 more inches of fabric?? And the stuff ain't even that cute!

I have tons of energy and I actually am getting tons of attention from men. Who would have ever thought I'd be a hottie??? That wasn't a surgery goal, but it sure feels good.

Now, if I could just get over this darned cold, I'd be one happy camper.

WHY I CHOSE DS: No dumping. Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results, Won't regain weight! Eat normal sized meals, 96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured. I MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people. ~Orson Wells
Elizabeth I know you'll get your DS too when the timing is right. Have you moved yet? Will you be able to make the conference next week?
WHY I CHOSE DS: No dumping. Highest percentage of weight loss, Best long term results, Won't regain weight! Eat normal sized meals, 96% diabeties, 90% high blood pressure, 80% sleep apnea cured. I MY DS!
My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four unless there were three other people. ~Orson Wells