OH Event
Hey Everyone. So I'm just wondering who all is gonna be there. This will be my first time, so how do I hook up with everyone. I normally not a shy person at all, but I don't want to just be like HEEEEYYY here I am!!! You know. So let me know if you are going and where yall will be!! I will probably get there around 4 pm on Friday..
Thanks - Looking forward to seeing you all!!
Thanks - Looking forward to seeing you all!!

I will be there! I don't know when/where, though. I'm hoping to take half a day off work. We'll see how that works out. And I haven't decided if I'm geting a room yet or not...
Psst - Dr. Khan at Dr. Williams' office was my surgeon.
Psst - Dr. Khan at Dr. Williams' office was my surgeon.
Across the United States, in 2006, twice as many people died from lack of health insurance as died from homicide.
"This is my one and only life, and it's a great and terrible and short and endless thing, and none of us come out of it alive."