carbonated beverages
Depends on your surgeon, I think. I've heard different stories why...stretches the pouch, adds too much gas to the pouch. Then of course, the studies about diet sodas increasing your appetite.
I just don't do it. Stopped drinking sodas a few years ago because my mom has end stage kidney disease and isn't supposed to have the added phosphorus.
I just don't do it. Stopped drinking sodas a few years ago because my mom has end stage kidney disease and isn't supposed to have the added phosphorus.
My surgeon frowns on them but says that if it is flat it is fine. When I must have something as I was a diet coke fanatic!! I have a coke zero they are much flatter than the regular dc products. I open it and let it sit for a little then shake it up and let it get more flat by releasing the bubbles. I also let it sit in my mouth, slosh it around and let it get more flat before I swallow. I would NOT recommend you do anything your surgeon says not to.. there is a reason for it and you should do all you can to follow his instructions. I am a year out and only started doing this nasty habit a couple of months ago and limit myself to a half a bottle about once a month. I know I shouldn't and wish I had never even tried now! OK so now I know I will get bashed by everyone for admitting my nasty habit but we are all human and its hard I know to do with out things completely that we truly loved!! Good luck and do yourself a favor do all you can before you resort to doing something that is hard to break or could hurt you in the long run!
I too was addicted to sodas. It's hard to give them up, but I did shortly before my surgery. I have this horrible vision of my stomach exploding if I drink it.
My friend had this surgery about 9 years ago, and says if she does drink soda, she lets it get flat first. I've been told that fountain drinks aren't as bad
My friend had this surgery about 9 years ago, and says if she does drink soda, she lets it get flat first. I've been told that fountain drinks aren't as bad
After some time you get past the craving. I am one year and 3 months out and no longer even crave them. I think once I did recently but it was only because I was really thirsty. I have started making decaf unsweet tea and carrying that or water with me everywhere to prevent it. I promise the urges will go away...