Six, count 'em six, appointments for clearances this week! Upper GI. Yuck!! Four different types of barium to guzzle, each thicker than the one before. One had to be drunk lying down. I am still pooping barium! (sorry, TMI) Pulmonary, more x-rays. I should be glowing by now :) Cardiac, ECGs, more exams and x-rays. Now I have to go and have an ECHO and a stress test because my parents have heart problems. Two podiatry appointments trying to get my feet ready for school. I have put several hundred miles on my car and and spent mucho bucks on co pays.
I guess it could be worse. At least I am getting lots of good information and know just what is the health of my major organs!
Anyone else have to go through all of these clearances or is this just a United Health Care thing?

Anyone else have to go through all of these clearances or is this just a United Health Care thing?
It's a good thing you're getting all of this done before school starts. I imagine I will have to have most of those appt., also. (we have the same surgeon). Does Dr. Macik refer you to all of those doctors? I hope I can get all my clearances done in a week or so.
I am trying to get my surgery before the end of the year...I think it will be tough.
Good luck!
I am trying to get my surgery before the end of the year...I think it will be tough.
Good luck!
Yes, Tiffany gave me a list of clearances and doctors to see. They were all around Northside of course. I did have to drive all the way to ******* GA to see the cardiac dr this week. I figured it was worth the extra driving and running to different places to get everything in this week. I just got back from my stress test. It was a doozy! I still have a headache. I couldn't use the treadmill because of the boot I am wearing on my foot so I had to do the whole thing lying down. This makes the side effects much more pronounced. Not pleasant, but it only lasts for a few minutes. The worst part was not having my coffee this morning. I can go without the food, but I missed my coffee!
I also got the letter confirming my surgery and pre op dates today! WhooHoo
An exciting day. Whew. I think I'll go lie down.

I also got the letter confirming my surgery and pre op dates today! WhooHoo

An exciting day. Whew. I think I'll go lie down.

August is going to be a crazy month for me and by boss is probably going to kill me for missing so much work. I have a dentist appointment, an appointment with my PCP, an appointment with the dietician, Upper GI, EKG, blood work at the hospital, and an appointment with a shrink to make sure I'm not looney. O and I also have my annual eye exam in August. My boss took me to the wood shed last month for having two appointments in one week, he is going to freak this month. I was lucky with clearence with the cardiologist he just wrote me a clearance letter without any additional tests.